Research Article

Favorable Outcomes after Implantation of Biodegradable Polymer Coated Sirolimus-Eluting Stents in Diabetic Population: Results from INDOLIMUS-G Diabetic Registry

Table 2

Angiographic and procedural characteristics.

CharacteristicsPatients ()
Lesions = 437

Lesion location
Right coronary artery, (%)140 (32.0%)
Left anterior descending, (%)195 (44.6%)
Left circumflex, (%)102 (23.3%)
Left marginal, (%)0 (0.0%)

ACC/AHA lesion classification
Type A, (%)69 (15.8%)
Type B1, (%)167 (38.2%)
Type B2, (%)150 (34.3%)
Type C, (%)51 (11.7%)
Total occlusion, (%)45 (10.3%)

Number of diseased vessels
Single vessel disease, (%)245 (65.9%)
Double vessel disease, (%)111 (29.8%)
Triple vessel disease, (%)16 (4.3%)

Procedural data
Total number of stents, 483
Number of stents per patient (mean ± SD, mm)1.3 ± 0.5
Number of stents per lesion (mean ± SD, mm)1.1 ± 0.3
Average stent diameter (mean ± SD, mm)3.1 ± 0.4
Average stent length (mean ± SD, mm)27.1 ± 8.7

ACC/AHA: American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association.