Review Article

A Mechanism of Virus-Induced Demyelination

Figure 18

Identification of EGFP MHV-infected neurons in the brain at day 5 post infection. Mice were infected intracranially with , , and RSMHV . Infected mice were sacrificed at day 5 post infection, and the brains were processed, sectioned and then labeled with anti-MAP2b as primary antiboelies and with Texas red goat anti-mouse IgG as secondary antibodies. EGFP fluorescence (green) was used to detect viral antigen-positive cells in the basal forebrain. Red fluorescence shows the corresponding labeling of MAP2b in neurons. Merged images show colocalization of MAP2b and EGFP positive cells. Arrows identify cells double positive for viral antigen and MAP2b. microns. (Adapted from the work of [116]).