Review Article

Neuroinvasion in Prion Diseases: The Roles of Ascending Neural Infection and Blood Dissemination

Figure 8

PrPd accumulation in CVOs and in the porencephalic lesion. Sheep CVOs highlighted with an asterix in pictures (a–f) of low magnification showed consistent PrPd deposition after intracerebral inoculation with BSE. Note that the porencephalic lesion which is surrounded by PrPd accumulations (g; x10) has abundant proliferation of newly formed vessels as revealed by a Van-Gieson staining (h; x20). CVOs: AP, area postrema; PG, pineal gland; ME, median eminence; SCO, subcommisural organ; OVLT, organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis; SFO, subfornical organ. Brain structures: DMNV, dorsal nucleus of the vagus nerve; IV, fourth ventricle; Saq, Silvios’ acqueduct; ON, optic chiasm; III, third ventricle; AWC, anterior white commisure. The figure is modified from (Sisó et al. [98]).