Review Article

Cryptococcus neoformans as a Model for Radioimmunotherapy of Infections

Figure 3

Investigation of possible resistance to RIT of CN in vivo and in vitro: (a) in vitro killing of CN cells with Re-18B7 mAb. Each sample contained 105 fungal cells; (b) in vitro killing of CN cells with Bi-18B7 mAb. Each sample contained 105 fungal cells; (c) median survival of AJ/Cr mice infected IV with 5 × 104 CN and treated 24 hrs later with 150 μCi Re-18B7 or 125 μCi Bi-18B7 mAb. CNnaive: cells from ATCC; CNpassaged: cells recovered from untreated AJ/Cr mice; CNRe RIT: cells recovered from mice treated with Re-18B7 mAb; CNBi RIT: cells recovered from mice treated with Bi-18B7 mAb; Re RIT/ CNnaive: mice infected with CNnaive and treated with Re-18B7; Bi RIT/ CNnaive: mice infected with CNnaive and treated with Bi-18B7; Re RIT/ CNRe RIT: mice infected with CNRe RIT and treated with Re-18B7; Bi RIT/ CNBi RIT: mice infected with CNBi RIT and treated with Bi-18B7; adapted from [18].