Research Article

Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Cross-Sectional Survey Assessing the Perceptions and Practices of Community Pharmacists in Ethiopia

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of community pharmacists in Ethiopia ().

Characteristics Frequency (%)

Mean age (years) (SD)
Male244 (62.7)
Female145 (37.3)
Highest pharmacy degree achieved
Diploma64 (16.5)
Bachelors (B.Pharm)280 (72)
Postgraduation (MSc.)45 (11.6)
Work experience
<5 years219 (56.3)
>5 years170 (43.7)
Type of pharmacy
Independent pharmacy139 (35.7)
Drug store128 (32.9)
Chain pharmacy122 (31.4)

SD: standard deviation.