Research Article

Parasitaemia and Its Relation to Hematological Parameters and Liver Function among Patients Malaria in Abs, Hajjah, Northwest Yemen

Table 2

Comparison of hematological parameters between the cases of P. falciparum malaria infection and healthy subjects.

ParametersPatients with malariaHealthy control subjects

Hb (g/dL)9.4 ± 0.2813.08 ± 0.36
PCV (%)29.47 ± 0.8242.52 ± 0.86
T.WBC (103/uL)5.91 ± 0.357.95 ± 0.60
Lymphocytes (%)24.64 ± 1.6339.17 ± 2.19
Neutrophils (%)71.28 ± 1.6048.46 ± 2.30
Platelet (×103/µL)116.6 ± 7.03353.4 ± 18.72

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