Research Article

Trends of Antibiotic Resistance in Mesophilic and Psychrotrophic Bacterial Populations during Cold Storage of Raw Milk

Figure 1

Box- and-whiskers plots of the initial AR percentages distributions. The AR values correspond to gentamicin (G, 1a), ceftazidim (C, 1b), levofloxacin (L, 1c), and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TS, 1d) for psychrotrophic (P) and mesophilic (M) bacterial populations (I = 4 × MIC for G, C, L and 2 × MIC for TS; II = MIC). The inner box lines represent the geometric medians, while the outer box lines represent the 25th and 75th data percentiles; the outliers are indicated beside their sample number. Sample 8 that showed an AR of 100% for GIIP is not included in Figure 1(a).