Research Article

Initial Smoking Experiences and Current Smoking Behaviors and Perceptions among Current Smokers

Table 2

Multivariate analysis for selected age-of-onset measures and adult smoking behaviors.

No. of cigarettes smoked per weekNo. of cigarettes smoked per weekSmoking when bed-ridden due to illnessSmoking when bed-ridden due to illness

Age of smoking first cigarette−.12**−.17***
Age of purchasing first cigarette−.19***−.22***
Gender (male).03 .03 −.06 −.07
Race (Caucasian).26***.26***.05 .05
Educational attainment (college graduate)−.07 −.07 −.04 −.04
Income.05 .05 .01 .02
Marital status (“involved”)−.04 −.04 .02 .02
Age.21***.22***.06 .08
-squared.112 .131 .037 .056

** , and *** .