Research Article

The Interactive Effects of Affect Lability, Negative Urgency, and Sensation Seeking on Young Adult Problematic Drinking

Table 2

Correlations among predictors and outcomes.


(1) HAU1.61**.26**.21**.001.02.06
(2) ARP1.13**.28**.13**.16**.16**
(3) SS1.08−.09.07.04
(4) NUR1.45**.40**.51**
(5) ADL1.68**.69**
(6) DEL1.63**
(7) AL1

Note: indicates , **indicates < 0.01. HAU: hazardous alcohol use, ARP: alcohol-related problems, SS: sensation seeking, NUR: negative urgency, ADL: anxiety-depression lability, DEL: depression-elation lability, and AL: anger lability.