Research Article

Risky Alcohol Drinking Pattern and Its Association with Educational Attainment and Wealth Index among Adult Men Population in Ethiopia: Further Analysis of 2016 Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey

Table 2

Association of educational attainment and wealth index with risky alcohol drinking pattern among adult men in Ethiopia, (N = 12,688).

VariableRisky alcohol drinking pattern
OR (95% CI) value
Unadjusted analysisAdjusted analysisb

Educational statusNo education11
Primary0.59 (0.427–0.808)0.82 (0.593–1.138)0.147
Secondary0.64 (0.380–1.088)0.56 (0.329–0.961)0.016
Higher0.65 (0.336–1.237)0.35 (0.164–0.765)0.008

Wealth indexPoorRef.Ref.
Middle1.45 (0.977–2.142)1.39 (0.932–2.067)0.106
Rich2.28 (1.472–3.536)2.13 (1.254–3.605)0.005

AOR, adjusted odds ratio; COR, crude odds ratio; CI, confidence interval. Note. bAdjusted for age, residence, religion, marital status, current working status, media exposure, and chat chewing.