Research Article

Transitional Strategies of Juvenile Green Sturgeon from a Riverine to a Brackish Water Environment

Figure 2

Acoustic tag detection plots (top row), fish movement plots (middle row), and Sacramento River flows (bottom row) over the time interval; all individuals were tagged and detected. Vertical panel columns correspond to the birth cohorts (year) shown at the top. Panels (a–d) show acoustic tag detections through time by each individual (unlabeled Y-axis tick marks), with release date (first grey dot), a grey line extending to the first detection time (first black dot), the last detection in the upper river reach (red plus), and the last time an individual was detected (second black dot). Panels (e–h) are waterfall plots of detections and migration patterns exhibited by individuals including continuous (orange lines), stepped (blue lines), and individuals not part of downstream migration pattern analyses (black lines). Panels (i–l) indicate Sacramento River discharge at Woodson gauging station (grey lines) in cubic meters per second (m3·s−1) on the Y-axis and last detection in the upper river reach (red plus) over time in months on the X-axis.