Research Article

Velocity Induced by a Plane Uniform Vortex Having the Schwarz Function of Its Boundary with Two Simple Poles

Figure 3

Planes of the variables: (first column), (second), and (third) for vortices of kind with respect to the first property. In the first row, a vortex of kind ( , , , ) and in the second one a vortex of kind ( , , , ) are investigated. Two families of circles are considered in the -plane: one inside (yellow lines) and the other one outside (blue lines). Image curves (that are still circles in the -plane) are drawn with the corresponding colours. Circles , (a), (b), (d), and (e) are drawn with red lines, as well as the vortex boundaries in (c) and (f). Invariant circles are drawn with green lines in (a), (b), (c), and (d). The same line is used to draw in (c) and (f). The centers of and (squared filled symbols), the poles and (solid black circular symbols) and the conjugate points (empty triangular symbols) and are also drawn.