Research Article

Point Pattern Matching Algorithm for Planar Point Sets under Euclidean Transform

Table 2

Coordinates of the points in under reflection transform.

No.(x, y)No.(x, y)No.(x, y)No.(x, y)No.(x, y)No.(x, y)

1(−63, 110)11(−58, 149)21(−23, 164)31(60, 85)41(105, 245)51(12, 284)
2(−94, 165)12(−34, 193)22(−13, 266)32(47, 117)42(78, 294)52(−8, 204)
3(−71, 166)13(−51, 218)23(21, 30)33(35, 137)43(63, 315)53(106, 97)
4(−102, 196)14(−34, 235)24(81, −182)34(48, 165)44(−63, 305)54(116, −96)
5(−61, 205)15(−26, 296)25(11, 129)35(61, 190)45(151, 117)55(51, −137)
6(−132, 218)16(−7, 31)26(4, 238)36(163, −69)46(163, 149)56(93, −49)
7(−109, 228)17(−15, 63)27(6, 258)37(74, 61)47(181, 180)57(1, 72)
8(−87, 245)18(−26, 80)28(−75, −45)38(76, 134)48(130, 189)58(130, −189)
9(−41, 88)19(1, 93)29(25, 313)39(98, 149)49(163, 199)59(52, 342)
10(−48, 127)20(−12, 149)30(47, 52)40(70, 214)50(135, 254)60(135, −254)