Research Article

Point Pattern Matching Algorithm for Planar Point Sets under Euclidean Transform

Table 4

Coordinates of the points in under translation and rotation transform.

No.(x, y)No.(x, y)No.(x, y)No.(x, y)No.(x, y)No.(x, y)

1(−72, 116)11(−30, 95)21(−4, 303)31(69, 75)41(107, 200)51(37, −206)
2(−112, 145)12(−11, 123)22(15, 320)32(68, 154)42(94, 221)52(−94, −81)
3(−53, 164)13(−35, 145)23(39, 57)33(57, 232)43(99, 283)53(9, −223)
4(−117, 179)14(−12, 222)24(25, 69)34(59, 252)44(137, 140)54(13, −150)
5(−76, 210)15(−40, 260)25(29, 90)35(80, 256)45(115, 145)55(101, −45)
6(−128, 212)16(24, 27)26(26, 127)36(58, 279)46(152, 168)56(114, 186)
7(−107, 228)17(−3, 32)27(−16, −98)37(95, 93)47(186, 184)57(86, −84)
8(−67, 275)18(4, 140)28(52, 309)38(85, 113)48(150, −68)58(24, −126)
9(−24, 59)19(−1, 170)29(31, 344)39(99, 132)49(165, 198)59(53, 141)
10(−49, 74)20(−9, 197)30(54, 71)40(85, 180)50(147, 217)60(−47, −211)