
Let be a -dimensional vector space over the finite field . In this paper we assume that is a finite field of odd characteristic, and the singular orthogonal groups of degree over . Let be any orbit of subspaces under . Denote by the set of subspaces which are intersections of subspaces in , where we make the convention that the intersection of an empty set of subspaces of is assumed to be . By ordering by ordinary or reverse inclusion, two lattices are obtained. This paper studies the questions when these lattices are geometric lattices.

1. Introduction

Let be a finite field with elements, where is an odd prime power. We choose a fixed nonsquare element in . Let be a -dimensional row vector space over the finite field , and let be one of the singular orthogonal groups of degree over . There is an action of on defined as follows: Let be an -dimensional subspace of , and be a basis of . Then, the matrix: is called a matrix representation of . We usually denote a matrix representation of the -dimensional subspace still by . The above action induces an action on the set of subspaces of , that is, a subspace is carried by into the subspace . The set of subspaces of is partitioned into orbits under . Clearly, and are two trivial orbits. Let be any orbit of subspaces under . Denote the set of subspaces which are intersections of subspaces in by and call the set of subspaces generated by . We agree that the intersection of an empty set of subspaces is . Then, . Partially ordering by ordinary or reverse inclusion, we get two posets and denote them by and , respectively. Clearly, for any two elements , where is a subspace generated by and . Therefore, is a finite lattice.

Similarly, for any two elements , so is also a finite lattice. Both and are called the lattices generated by .

The results on the geometricity of lattices generated by subspaces in -bounded distance-regular graphs can be found in Guo et al. [1]; on the geometricity and the characteristic polynomial of lattices generated by orbits of flats under finite affine-classical groups can be found in Wang and Feng [2], Wang and Guo [3]; on inclusion relations, the geometricity and the characteristic polynomial of lattices generated by orbits of subspaces under finite nonsingular classical groups and a characterization of subspaces contained in lattices can be found in Huo [46], Huo and Wan [7, 8]; on inclusion relations, the geometricity and the characteristic polynomial of lattices generated by orbits of subspaces under finite singular symplectic groups, singular unitary groups, and singular pseudosymplectic groups and a characterization of subspaces contained in lattices can be found in Gao and You [912]. In [13], the authors studied the various lattices and generated by different orbits of subspaces under singular orthogonal group . The study contents include the inclusion relations between different lattices, the characterization of subspaces contained in a given lattice (resp., ), and the characteristic polynomial of . The purpose of this paper is to study the questions when (resp., ) are geometric lattices.

2. Preliminaries

In the following, we recall some definitions and facts on ordered sets and lattices (see [8, 14]).

Let be a partially ordered set, and . We say that   covers and write , if and there exists no such that . An element is called the minimal element if there exists no elements such that . If has unique minimal element, denote it by and we say that is a poset with .

Let be a poset with and . If all maximal ascending chains starting from with endpoint have the same finite length, this common length is called the rank of . If rank is defined for every , is said to have the rank function , where is the set consisting of all positive integers and .

A poset is said to satisfy the Jordan-Dedekind (JD) condition if any two maximal chains between the same pair of elements of have the same finite length.

Proposition 2.1 ([14, Proposition 2.1]). Let be a poset with 0. If satisfies the JD condition then has the rank function which satisfies(i),(ii).Conversely, if admits a function satisfying and , then satisfies the JD condition with as its rank function.
Let be a poset with 0. An element is called an atom of if . A lattice with 0 is called an atomic lattice or a if every element is a supremum of atoms, that is, .

Definition 2.2 ([14, page 46]). A lattice is called a semimodular lattice if for all ,

Proposition 2.3 ([14, Theorem 2.27]). Let be a lattice with 0. Then, is a semimodular lattice if and only if possesses a rank function such that for all

Definition 2.4 ([14, page 52]). A lattice is called a geometric lattice if it isan atomic lattice,a semimodular lattice,without infinite chains in .

According to Definition 2.2, Proposition 2.3, and Definition 2.4, we can obtain the following proposition.

Proposition 2.5. Let be a lattice with 0. Then, is a geometric lattice if and only iffor every element , , possesses a rank function and for all , (2.2) holds,without infinite chains in .

Let where , , or , and The set of all nonsingular matrices over satisfying forms a group which will be called the singular orthogonal group of degree , rank, and with definite part over and denoted by Clearly, consists of all nonsingular matrices of the form: where , and is nonsingular.

Two matrices and are called to be cogredient if there exists a nonsingular matrix such that .

An -dimensional subspace is said to be a subspace of type , if is cogredient to , where the matrix , respectively, is as follows or

Let be a basis of , where 1 is in the th position. Denote by the -dimensional subspace of generated by . An -dimensional subspace is called a subspace of type if(i) is a subspace of type ,(ii).

Denote the set of all subspaces of type in by. By [15, Theorem 6.28], we know that  is nonempty if and only if or

Moreover, if is nonempty, then it forms an orbit of subspaces under . Let denote the set of subspaces which are intersections of subspaces in , where we make the convention that the intersection of an empty set of subspaces of is assumed to be . Partially ordering by ordinary or reverse inclusion, we get two finite lattices and denote them by and , respectively.

The case has been discussed in [8]. So, we only discuss the case in this paper.

By [13], we have the following results.

Theorem 2.6. Let ,  , assume that satisfies conditions (2.10) and (2.11). Then, if and only if

Theorem 2.7. Let ,  . Assume that satisfies condition (2.10), then consists of and all the subspaces of type , where satisfies condition (2.13).

Theorem 2.8. Let ,  , and satisfy For any , define then is a rank function of the lattice .

Theorem 2.9. Let ,  , and satisfy (2.14). For any , define then is a rank function of the lattice .

3. The Geometricity of Lattices

Theorem 3.1. Let , assume that satisfies conditions (2.10) and (2.11). Then(i)each of and is a finite geometric lattice, when , and is a finite atomic lattice, but not a geometric lattice when ;(ii)when , is a finite atomic lattice, but not a geometric lattice.

Proof. By Theorem 2.8, the rank function of is defined by formula (2.15), we will show the condition of Proposition 2.5 holds for . and it is the minimal element, so all 1-dim subspaces in are atoms of .
Let , by Theorem 2.7, is a subspace of type and satisfies condition (2.13). If , then is an atom of . Assume , then where , or .
Let be an th row vector of , then is a subspace of type , or , and . By Theorem 2.7, we know , so is an atom of , and , hence, is a union of atoms in . Since , there exist , such that . are unions of atoms in , hence, is a union of atoms in , therefore, holds.
In the following, we prove (i) and (ii).
The Proof of (i). We only prove the formula (2.2) holds for . The other can be obtained in the similar way. We consider two cases:
(a) . consists of and subspaces of type . Let , if are , respectively, then , so . If is or , the other is a subspace of type , then is or subspace of type , is a subspace of type or , so . If and are subspaces of type , then , so .
Hence, (2.2) holds and is a finite geometric lattice when .
(b) . Let , , where , then . When or , then is a nonsquare element or a square element, respectively. Thus, is cogredient to either or , and is a subspace of type , where , or a subspace of type . So , and we have , . By the definition of rank function, , , we have .
Hence, is a finite atomic lattice, but not a geometric lattice when .
The Proof of (ii). We will show there exist such that the formula (2.2) does not hold. As to , or , we only show the proof of , others can be obtained in the similar way. We distinguish the following three cases.
(a) , or ,  . Then, the formula (2.10) is changed into . Let , we distinguish the following two subcases.
(a.1) . From and , we have . Let where , then is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type . When or , then is a nonsquare element or a square element, respectively, thus is cogredient to either or , and is a subspace of type or type . Consequently, , . Thus, we have ,  ,  ,  ,  Then,
(a.2) . From , we have ,  . Let then is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type . Consequently, , . Thus, we have ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  Then, Therefore, there exist such that formula (2.2) does not hold.
(b) . Then, the formula (2.10) is changed into . Let , we distinguish the following two subcases.
(b.1) . From , and , we have . Let where , then is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type . When or , similar to the proof of the case (a.1), is a subspace of type or . Consequently, , , and the formula (2.2) does not hold.
(b.2) . From , we have . Let then is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type , when or , is subspace of type or . Similar to the proof of the case (a.1), the formula (2.2) does not hold for and .
(c) . Then, the formula (2.10) is changed into . Let , we distinguish the following two subcases.
(c.1) . From , and , we have . Let where and , then is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type . But when or , similar to the proof of the case (a.1), is a subspace of type or . Consequently, , , and the formula (2.2) does not hold.
(c.2) . From , we have and . We choose and being two linearly independent solutions of the equation . Let then is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type . Let because , hence, is cogredient to . Then, is cogredient to Therefore, is a subspace of type . Similar to the proof of the case (a.2), the formula (2.2) does not hold for and .

4. The Geometricity of Lattices

Theorem 4.1. Let ,  , assume that satisfies conditions (2.10) and (2.11). Then,(i)each of , and is a finite geometric lattice when , and is a finite atomic lattice, but not a geometric lattice when ;(ii)when , is a finite atomic lattice, but not a geometric lattice.

Proof . By Theorem 2.9, the rank function of is defined by formula (2.16), is the minimal element of , all subspaces of type in are atoms of .
The Proof of (i). By [8], , , and are finite geometric lattices when ; in the following, we will show that they are finite atomic lattices, but not geometric lattices when .
(a) Let Then, both and are subspaces of type , and , is a subspace of type . Consequently, , ,  ,  . Thus, That is, (2.2) does not hold for and . Hence, are not geometric lattices when .
(b) Let Then, both and are subspaces of type , and , is a subspace of type or when or . Consequently, ,  ,  ,  . Thus, That is, (2.2) does not hold for and . Hence, are not geometric lattices when .
(c) From the condition (2.10), the following hold.(i)If , then , that is, , hence , and it is a contradiction.(ii)If , then , that is, , hence , or . When , from , we obtain , and it is a contradiction. When , we have . That is, in this situation, holds.(iii)If , then , that is, , hence , or . When , we have , then . When , we have , then .
From the discussion above, we know that
(c.1) If , then , and we have ,  ;  ,  , and ,   three possible cases. For , here we just give the proof of the case ,  , others can be obtained in the similar way. We choose and being two linearly independent solutions of the equation . Let then is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type , and is a subspace of type . Consequently, , . Thus, we have ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  . Then, That is, (2.2) does not hold for and . Hence, are not geometric lattices when .
(c.2) If , then we have ; or , . As to , we consider ,  , and three cases. Here we just give the proof of the case , and we also discuss the following three subcases:
(c.2.1) , . For , let then is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type , and is a subspace of type . If , then , and as to , from the condition (2.10), we obtain , that is, it is a contradiction. Consequently, , and ,. Thus, we have , , , , . Then, That is, (2.2) does not hold for and . Hence, are not geometric lattices when .
(c.2.2) , , . For , let then is a subspace of type , is a subspace of type , and is a subspace of type . Consequently, ,. Thus, we have , , , , , . Then, That is, (2.2) does not hold for and . Hence, are not geometric lattices when .
(c.2.3) . See the proof of the Theorem in [12].
The Proof of (ii). Let , then where . Hence, there exists a matrix such that where takes values in Table 1 as follows.
In Table 1 as follows .
As to , and four cases, we only show the proof of the case , others can be obtained in the similar way. We also distinguish the following three subcases.
(a) If , then . Let and be row vectors of and , respectively, then .
From , we know . If , then , so . If , then , so . In a word, . That is, , , . Consequently, .
(b) If , then , and . Let and be row vectors of and , respectively because , and then . From the conditions and , we can obtain and , hence . Obviously, . Similar to the proof of the case (a), .
(c) If , then , and . Let and be row vectors of and , respectively, then . Obviously, . Similar to the proof of the case (a), .
From the discussion above, we know that when , is a finite atomic lattice, but not a geometric lattice.


This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant no. 61179026 and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant no. ZXH2012K003. The authors would like to thank the referee for his suggestions on simplifying the earlier version of the paper.