
Let be the characteristic polynomial of the Laplacian matrix of a graph of order . In this paper, we give four transforms on graphs that decrease all Laplacian coefficients and investigate a conjecture A. Ilic and M. Ilic (2009) about the Laplacian coefficients of unicyclic graphs with vertices and pendent vertices. Finally, we determine the graph with the smallest Laplacian-like energy among all the unicyclic graphs with vertices and pendent vertices.

1. Introduction

Let be a simple undirected graph with vertices and edges and, let be its Laplacian matrix. The Laplacian polynomial of is the characteristic polynomial of its Laplacian matrix. That is

The Laplacian matrix has nonnegative eigenvalues [1]. From Viette’s formulas, is a symmetric polynomial of order . In particular, we have and , where is the number of spanning trees of . If is a tree, coefficient is equal to its Wiener index, which is a sum of distance between all pairs of vertices: The Wiener index is considered as one of the most used topological indices with high correlation with many physical and chemical properties of molecular compounds.

A unicyclic graph is a connected graph in which the number of vertices equals the number of edges. Recently, the study on the Laplacian coefficients attracts much attention.

Mohar [2] proved that among all trees of order , the th Laplacian coefficients are largest when the tree is a path and are smallest for stars. Stevanovic and Ilic [3] showed that among all connected unicyclic graphs of order , the th Laplacian coefficients are largest when the graph is a cycle and smallest when the graph is an with an additional edge between two of its pendent vertices, where is a star of order . He and Shan [4] proved that among all bicyclic graphs of order , the th Laplacian coefficients is smallest when the graph is obtained from by adding one edge connecting two non-adjacent vertices and adding pendent vertices attached to the vertex of degree . A. Ilic and M. Ilic [5] verified that among trees on vertices and leaves, the balanced starlike tree (see Definition 2.2) has minimal Laplacian coefficients. Some other works on Laplacian coefficients can be found in [68].

In this paper, we determine the smallest th Laplacian coefficients among all unicyclic graphs with vertices and pendent vertices. Thus we completely solve a conjecture on the minimal Laplacian coefficients of unicyclic graphs with vertices and pendent vertices (see [5]).

Motivated by the results in [3, 4, 912] concerning the minimal Laplacian coefficients and Laplacian-like energy of some graphs and the minimal molecular graph energy of unicyclic graphs with vertices and pendent vertices, this paper will characterize the unicyclic graphs with vertices and pendent vertices, which minimize Laplacian-like energy.

2. Transformations and Lemmas

In this section, we introduce some graphic transformations and lemmas, which can be used to prove our main results. The Laplacian coefficients of a graph can be expressed in terms of subtree structures of by the following result of Kelmans and Chelnokov [13]. Let be a spanning forest of with components , having vertices each, and let .

Lemma 2.1 (see [13]). The Laplacian coefficient of a graph is given by where is the set of all spanning forests of with exactly components.

For a real number , we use to represent the largest integer not greater than and to represent the smallest integer not less than .

Definition 2.2 (see [5]). The balanced starlike tree , , is a tree of order with just one center vertex , and each of the branches of at is a path of length or .

Let be the path with vertices. A path in is called a pendent path if and . If , then we say is a pendent edge of the graph . A leaf or pendent vertex is a vertex of degree one. A branching vertex is a vertex of degree greater than two. The paths are said to have almost equal lengths if satisfy for .

Definition 2.3 (see [5]). The dumbbell consists of the path together with independent vertices adjacent to one leaf of and independent vertices adjacent to the other leaf.

The union of graph and with disjoint vertex sets and and edge sets and is the graph with and . If is a union of two paths of lengths and , then is disconnected and has vertices and edges. Let be the number of matchings of containing exactly independent edges. Especially, let be the number of matchings in .

Lemma 2.4 (see [5]). Let be a vertex of nontrivial connected graph , and let denote the graph obtained from by adding pendent paths and , at vertex . Assume that both numbers and are even. If , then for every we have

Lemma 2.5 (see [12]). Let be the number of -matchings in and with . Then the following inequality holds:

Lemma 2.6 (see [5]). Among trees on vertices and leaves, the balanced starlike tree has minimal Laplacian coefficient , for every .

Definition 2.7 (see [5]). Let be a vertex of a tree of degree . Suppose that are pendent paths incident with , with lengths . Let be the neighbor of distinct from the starting vertices of paths , respectively. We form a tree by removing the edges from and adding new edges incident with . We say that is a -transform of .

Lemma 2.8 (see [5]). Let be an arbitrary tree, rooted at the center vertex. Let vertex be on the deepest level of tree among all branching vertices with degree at least three. Then for the -transformation tree and holds:

Lemma 2.9 (see [14]). For every acyclic graph with vertices, where means the subdivision graph of .

3. Main Results

In this section, we present four new graphic transformations that decrease the Laplacian coefficients.

Definition 3.1. Let be a vertex in the cycle of a unicyclic graph , such that has degree and pendent paths named , where ,??. If , and let We say that is a -transformation of .

It is easy to see that -transformation preserves the size of a cycle of and the number of pendent vertices.

Theorem 3.2. Let be a connected unicyclic graph with vertices and pendent vertices, . Then for every , with equality if and only if .

Proof. It is easy to see that , , .
Now, consider the coefficients (). Let and be the sets of spanning forests of and with exactly components, respectively.
Without loss of generality, we assume that . Let (see Figure 1).
Obviously, by the definition of the spanning forest, the cycle in the unicyclic graph satisfies that and , where and are the arbitrary forests in and , respectively. Without loss of generality, we remove one of the edges in the cycle , say , so we get and , respectively. By Lemmas 2.4 and 2.9, we have that for every , with equality if and only if . If we remove the other edge, say , we get and , respectively. By Lemmas 2.4 and 2.9, we have that for every , with equality if and only if .
It is easy to see that and . We know that the numbers of the same tree of spanning forests of and with exactly components are equal to the numbers of the same tree of spanning forests of and with exactly components, respectively.
Applying to Definition 3.1 and Lemma 2.1, we can show that for every , with equality if and only if .

Definition 3.3. Let be a vertex in a cycle of a connected unicyclic graph , where . Suppose that is one of two neighbors adjacent to in , such that has degree and pendent paths incident with and has degree and pendent paths incident with . Let where is one of the other neighbors adjacent to in . We say that is a -transformation of (see Figure 2).

Obviously, -transformation decreases the size of a cycle of and preserves the number of pendent vertices.

Theorem 3.4. Let be a connected unicyclic graph with vertices and pendent vertices, . Then for every , with equality if and only if .

Proof. Obviously, . For , the length of a cycle in is greater than the length of a cycle in . Therefore, .
Now, consider the coefficients (). Let and be the sets of spanning forests of and with exactly components, respectively. Let and be the component of and . If , we define with and Now, we distinguish as the following two cases.
Case??1 (). We have trees of equal sizes in both spanning forests thus .
Case??2 (). Let vertex be in the tree , that is, .
Note the fact that is a cut edge of . It is easy to see that is a spanning forest of , and the number of components of is or . We claim that . Otherwise, belong to one tree of ; then there exists a path joining to in ; then is a cycle of , which contradicts the fact that is a forest.
Suppose that contains vertices in the cycle (including ) and vertices in the paths , and contains vertices in the cycle . Let contain in the paths . Assume the orders of the components of different from and are . We have where .
If we sum all differences for such forest, having fixed values and , we get
It is easy to see that and , so . Since at least one vertex is in , there exists one forest such that and , and then .
If , thus .
Therefore, by using Lemma 2.1, we get This completes the proof of Theorem 3.4.

Definition 3.5. Let (not in the cycle ) be a vertex of degree in a connected unicyclic graph G. Suppose that are pendent paths incident with . Let be the neighbor of distinct from the starting vertices of paths , respectively. Let We say that is a -transformation of (see Figure 3).

It is not difficult to see that -transformation preserves the size of a cycle of and the number of pendent vertices.

Theorem 3.6. Let be a connected unicyclic graph with vertices and pendent vertices, . Then for every , with equality if and only if .

Proof. Obviously, , .
Now, consider the coefficients (). Let and be the sets of spanning forests of and with exactly components, respectively. Obviously, by the definition of the spanning forest, the cycle in the unicyclic graph satisfies that and , where and are the arbitrary forests in and , respectively. Without loss of generality, we remove one of the edges on the cycle, say , so we get two trees and , respectively. Applying to Definition 2.7, we know that . Then using Lemma 2.8, we can get that for every , with equality if and only if . If we remove another edge, say , we get and , respectively. By Definition 2.7, we know that . Then applying to Lemma 2.8, we get that for every , with equality if and only if .
It is easy to see that and . We know that the numbers of the same tree of spanning forests of and with exactly components are equal to the numbers of the same tree of spanning forests of and with exactly components, respectively.
By Definition 3.5 and Lemma 2.1, we have that for every , with equality if and only if .

Definition 3.7. Let , , and be three vertices on the triangle in a unicyclic graph . Suppose that are pendent paths incident with , are pendent paths incident with , and are pendent paths incident with . Let We say that is a -transformation of (see Figure 4).

Theorem 3.8. Let , , and be three vertices on the triangle in a unicyclic graph , . Then for every , with equality if and only if .

Proof. It is obvious to see that . For , the length of a cycle in is equal to the length of a cycle in . Therefore, .
Now, consider the coefficient (). Let and be the sets of spanning forests of and with exactly components, respectively.
Similarly to the proof of Theorem 3.2, we can get trees as shown in Figure 5. Obviously, by Definition 2.7, we know that (). And according to Lemma 2.8, we can verify that By , Definition 3.7, and Lemma 2.1, it is easy to see that for every , with equality if and only if . This completes the proof of Theorem 3.8.

Theorem 3.9. Let be a connected unicyclic graph with vertices and pendent vertices. Then for , with equality if and only if , where is as shown in Figure 6, and each of the branches at is a path of length or .

Proof. Let be a cycle of connected unicyclic graph , and let be a tree attached at , . We can apply -transformation to , such that the tree contains one branch vertex with pendent path attached to it. Next, we can apply -transformation to decrease the size of the cycle as long as the length of is not . Then we can apply -transformation at the longest and the shortest path repeatedly, the Laplacian coefficients do not increase while the attached paths become more balanced. Finally, we can apply -transformation as long as it is not .
According to Theorems 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, and 3.8, we know that -transformation () cannot increase the Laplacian coefficients. So, for an arbitrary unicyclic graph with vertices and pendent vertices, we verify that where and with equality if and only if . This completes the proof of Theorem 3.9.

4. Laplacian-Like Energy of Unicyclic Graphs with Pendent Vertices

Let be a graph. The Laplacian-like energy of graph , for short, is defined as follows: where are the Laplacian eigenvalues of . This concept was introduced by J. Liu and B. Liu [9], where it was demonstrated it has similar feature as molecular graph energy (for more details see [15]). Stevanovic in [10] presented a connection between and Laplacian coefficients.

Theorem 4.1. Let and be two graphs with vertices. If for , then . Furthermore, if a strict inequality holds for some , then .

Using this result, we can conclude the following.

Corollary 4.2. Let be a connected unicyclic graph with vertices and pendent vertices. Then if where is shown in Figure 6, and each of the branches at is a path of length or .


The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the anonymous referees whose constructive comments, valuable suggestions, and careful reading improved the final form of this paper.