Research Article

Rational Homotopy Perturbation Method

Table 1

Comparison of the relative error between exact solution (4.2) for (4.1) to the results of approximations (4.11), (4.14), (4.19), and (4.22).

Homotopy (4.3) Homotopy (4.3) Homotopy (4.4) Homotopy (4.4)
Order [ ] 10 [ ] 2
Exact (4.2) RHPM (4.11) HPM (4.19) RHPM (4.14) HPM (4.22)

0.50 −0.462117 2.82139e − 13 −9.2001e − 12 0.0131193 0.00872875
1.00 −0.761594 7.99295e − 10 −3.6699e − 05 0.0127018 −0.0076966
1.50 −0.905148 6.27205e − 08 −0.254724 0.00372419 −0.0365396
2.00 −0.964028 1.12495e − 06 −130.396 −0.00187676 −0.0563138
2.50 −0.986614 9.09157e − 06 −16013.2 −0.0030716 −0.061996
3.00 −0.995055 4.49154e − 05 −799594 −0.00226142 −0.0574954
3.50 −0.998178 0.000159567 −2.152e + 07 −0.00114353 −0.0481177
4.00 −0.999329 0.000448827 −3.695e + 08 −0.000334271 −0.0376627
4.50 −0.999753 0.00106284 −4.508e + 09 0.000105112 −0.0281496
5.00 −0.999909 0.0022083 −4.206e + 10 0.000282807 −0.0203519
8.00 −1.000000 0.0372487 −8.607e + 14 8.27086e − 05 −0.00201311
100 −1.000000 358.626 −9.689e + 37 3.43629e − 44 −3.64567e − 42