
Under new assumptions, we provide suffcient conditions for the (upper and lower) semicontinuity and continuity of the solution mappings to a class of generalized parametric set-valued Ky Fan inequality problems in linear metric space. These results extend and improve some known results in the literature (e.g., Gong, 2008; Gong and Yoa, 2008; Chen and Gong, 2010; Li and Fang, 2010). Some examples are given to illustrate our results.

1. Introduction

The Ky Fan inequality is a very general mathematical format, which embraces the formats of several disciplines, as those for equilibrium problems of mathematical physics, those from game theory, those from (vector) optimization and (vector) variational inequalities, and so on (see [1, 2]). Since Ky Fan inequality was introduced in [1, 2], it has been extended and generalized to vector or set-valued mappings. The Ky Fan Inequality for a set-/vector-valued mapping is known as the (weak) generalized Ky Fan inequality ((W)GKFI, in short). In the literature, existing results for various types of (generalized) Ky Fan inequalities have been investigated intensively, see [3–5] and the references therein.

It is well known that the stability analysis of solution maps for parametric Ky Fan inequality (PKFI, in short) is an important topic in optimization theory and applications. There are some papers to discuss the upper and/or lower semicontinuity of solution maps. Cheng and Zhu [6] discussed the upper semicontinuity and the lower semicontinuity of the solution map for a PKFI in finite-dimensional spaces. Anh and Khanh [7, 8] studied the stability of solution sets for two classes of parametric quasi-KFIs. Huang et al. [9] discussed the upper semicontinuity and lower semicontinuity of the solution map for a parametric implicit KFI. By virtue of a density result and scalarization technique, Gong [10] first discussed the lower semicontinuity of the set of efficient solutions for a parametric KFI with vector-valued maps. By using the ideas of Cheng and Zhu [6], Gong and Yao [11] studied the continuity of the solution map for a class of weak parametric KFI in topological vector spaces. Then, Kimura and Yao [12] discussed the semicontinuity of solution maps for parametric quasi-KFIs. Based on the work of [6, 10], the continuity of solution sets for PKFIs was discussed in [13] without the uniform compactness assumption. Recently, Li and Fang [14] obtained a new sufficient condition for the lower semicontinuity of the solution maps to a generalized PKFI with vector-valued mappings, where their key assumption is different from the ones in [11, 13].

Motivated by the work reported in [10, 11, 14, 15], this paper aims at studying the stability of the solution maps for a class of generalized PKFI with set-valued mappings. We obtain some new sufficient conditions for the semicontinuity of the solution sets to the generalized PKFI. Our results are new and different from the corresponding ones in [6, 10, 11, 13–17].

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce a class of generalized set-valued PKFI and recall some concepts and their properties which are needed in the sequel. In Section 3, we discuss the upper semicontinuity and lower semicontinuity of the solution mappings for the class of generalized PKFI and compare our main results with the corresponding ones in the recent literature ([10, 11, 13–15]). We also give two examples to illustrate that our main results are applicable.

2. Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, if not, otherwise, specified, 𝑑(β‹…,β‹…) denotes the metric in any metric space. Let 𝐡(0,𝛿) denote the closed ball with radius 𝛿β‰₯0 and center 0 in any metric linear spaces. Let 𝑋 and π‘Œ be two real linear metric spaces. Let 𝑍 be a linear metric space and let Ξ› be a nonempty subset of 𝑍. Let π‘Œβˆ— be the topological dual space of π‘Œ, and let 𝐢 be a closed, convex, and pointed cone in π‘Œ with intπΆβ‰ βˆ…, where int𝐢 denotes the interior of 𝐢. Let πΆβˆ—ξ€½βˆΆ=π‘“βˆˆπ‘Œβˆ—ξ€ΎβˆΆπ‘“(𝑦)β‰₯0,βˆ€π‘¦βˆˆπΆ(2.1) be the dual cone of 𝐢.

Let 𝐴 be a nonempty subset of 𝑋, and let πΉβˆΆπ΄Γ—π΄β‡‰π‘Œβ§΅{βˆ…} be a set-valued mapping. We consider the following generalized KFI which consist in finding π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†) such that 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦)∩(βˆ’int𝐢)=βˆ…,βˆ€π‘¦βˆˆπ΄(πœ†).(KFI)

When the set 𝐴 and the function 𝐹 are perturbed by a parameter πœ† which varies over a set Ξ› of 𝑍, we consider the following weak generalized PKFI which consist in finding π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†) such that𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)∩(βˆ’int𝐢)=βˆ…,βˆ€π‘¦βˆˆπ΄(πœ†),(PKFI) where π΄βˆΆΞ›β‡‰π‘‹β§΅{βˆ…} is a set-valued mapping and πΉβˆΆπ΅Γ—π΅Γ—Ξ›βŠ‚π‘‹Γ—π‘‹Γ—π‘β‡‰π‘Œβ§΅{βˆ…} is a set-valued mapping with ⋃𝐴(Ξ›)=πœ†βˆˆΞ›π΄(πœ†)βŠ‚π΅.

For each πœ†βˆˆΞ›, the solution set of (PKFI) is defined by 𝑉(𝐹,πœ†)∢={π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†)∣𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)∩(βˆ’int𝐢)=βˆ…,βˆ€π‘¦βˆˆπ΄(πœ†)}.(2.2) For each π‘“βˆˆπΆβˆ—β§΅{0} and for each πœ†βˆˆΞ›, the 𝑓-solution set of (PKFI) is defined by𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†)∢=π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†)∣infπ‘§βˆˆπΉ(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)𝑓(𝑧)β‰₯0,βˆ€π‘¦βˆˆπ΄(πœ†).(2.3)

Special Case
(i)If for any πœ†βˆˆΞ›,π‘₯,π‘¦βˆˆπ΄(πœ†), 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)∢=πœ‘(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+πœ“(𝑦,πœ†)βˆ’πœ“(π‘₯,πœ†), where πœ‘βˆΆπ΄(πœ‡)×𝐴(πœ‡)Γ—Ξ›β†’2π‘Œ is a set-valued mapping and πœ“βˆΆπ΄(πœ‡)Γ—Ξ›β†’π‘Œ is a single-valued mapping, the (PKFI) reduces to the weak parametric vector equilibrium problem ((W)PVEP) considered in [15].(ii)When 𝐹 is a vector-valued mapping, that is, πΉβˆΆπ΅Γ—π΅Γ—Ξ›βŠ‚π‘‹Γ—π‘‹Γ—π‘β†’π‘Œ, the (PKFI) reduces to the parametric Ky Fan inequality in [14].(iii)If for any πœ†βˆˆΞ›,π‘₯,π‘¦βˆˆπ΄(πœ†), 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)∢=πœ‘(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+πœ“(𝑦,πœ†)βˆ’πœ“(π‘₯,πœ†), where πœ‘βˆΆπ΄(πœ‡)×𝐴(πœ‡)Γ—Ξ›β†’π‘Œ and πœ“βˆΆπ΄(πœ‡)Γ—Ξ›β†’π‘Œ are two vector-valued maps, the (PKFI) reduces to the parametric (weak) vector equilibrium problem (PVEP) considered in [10, 11, 13, 16].

Throughout this paper, we always assume 𝑉(𝐹,πœ†)β‰ βˆ… for all πœ†βˆˆΞ›. This paper aims at investigating the semicontinuity and continuity of the solution mapping 𝑉(𝐹,πœ†) as set-valued map from the set Ξ› into 𝑋. Now, we recall some basic definitions and their properties which are needed in this paper.

Definition 2.1. Let πΉβˆΆπ‘‹Γ—π‘‹Γ—π‘β‡‰π‘Œβ§΅{βˆ…} be a trifunction.(i)𝐹(π‘₯,β‹…,πœ†) is called 𝐢-convex function on 𝐴(πœ†), if and only if for every π‘₯1,π‘₯2∈𝐴(πœ†) and π‘‘βˆˆ[0,1], 𝑑𝐹(π‘₯,π‘₯1,πœ†)+(1βˆ’π‘‘)𝐹(π‘₯,π‘₯2,πœ†)βŠ‚πΉ(π‘₯,𝑑π‘₯1+(1βˆ’π‘‘)π‘₯2,πœ†)+𝐢.(ii)𝐹(π‘₯,β‹…,πœ†) is called 𝐢-like-convex function on 𝐴(πœ†), if and only if for any π‘₯1,π‘₯2∈𝐴(πœ†) and any π‘‘βˆˆ[0,1], there exists π‘₯3∈𝐴(πœ†) such that 𝑑𝐹(π‘₯,π‘₯1,πœ†)+(1βˆ’π‘‘)𝐹(π‘₯,π‘₯2,πœ†)βŠ‚πΉ(π‘₯,π‘₯3,πœ†)+𝐢.(iii)𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is called 𝐢-monotone on 𝐴(Ξ›)×𝐴(Ξ›)Γ—Ξ›, if and only if for any πœ†βˆˆΞ› and π‘₯,π‘¦βˆˆπ΄(πœ†), 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+𝐹(𝑦,π‘₯,πœ†)βŠ‚βˆ’πΆ. The mapping 𝐹 is called 𝐢-strictly monotone (or called 𝐢-strongly monotone in [10]) on 𝐴(Ξ›)×𝐴(Ξ›)Γ—Ξ› if 𝐹 is 𝐢-monotone and if for any given πœ†βˆˆΞ›, for all π‘₯,π‘¦βˆˆπ΄(πœ†) and π‘₯≠𝑦, s.t. 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+𝐹(𝑦,π‘₯,πœ†)βŠ‚βˆ’int𝐢.

Definition 2.2 (see [18]). Let 𝑋 and π‘Œ be topological spaces, π‘‡βˆΆπ‘‹β‡‰π‘Œβ§΅{βˆ…} be a set-valued mapping.(i)𝑇 is said to be upper semicontinuous (u.s.c., for short) at π‘₯0βˆˆπ‘‹ if and only if for any open set 𝑉 containing 𝑇(π‘₯0), there exists an open set π‘ˆ containing π‘₯0 such that 𝑇(π‘₯)βŠ†π‘‰ for all π‘₯βˆˆπ‘ˆ.(ii)𝑇 is said to be lower semicontinuous (l.s.c., for short) at π‘₯0βˆˆπ‘‹ if and only if for any open set 𝑉 with 𝑇(π‘₯0)βˆ©π‘‰β‰ βˆ…, there exists an open set π‘ˆ containing π‘₯0 such that 𝑇(π‘₯)βˆ©π‘‰β‰ βˆ… for all π‘₯βˆˆπ‘ˆ.(iii)𝑇 is said to be continuous at π‘₯0βˆˆπ‘‹, if it is both l.s.c. and u.s.c. at π‘₯0βˆˆπ‘‹. 𝑇 is said to be l.s.c. (resp. u.s.c.) on 𝑋, if and only if it is l.s.c. (resp., u.s.c.) at each π‘₯βˆˆπ‘‹.

From [19, 20], we have the following properties for Definition 2.2.

Proposition 2.3. Let 𝑋 and π‘Œ be topological spaces, let π‘‡βˆΆπ‘‹β‡‰π‘Œβ§΅{βˆ…} be a set-valued mapping.(i)𝑇 is l.s.c. at π‘₯0βˆˆπ‘‹ if and only if for any net {π‘₯𝛼}βŠ‚π‘‹ with π‘₯𝛼→π‘₯0 and any 𝑦0βˆˆπ‘‡(π‘₯0), there exists π‘¦π›Όβˆˆπ‘‡(π‘₯𝛼) such that 𝑦𝛼→𝑦0.(ii)If 𝑇 has compact values (i.e., 𝑇(π‘₯) is a compact set for each π‘₯βˆˆπ‘‹), then 𝑇 is u.s.c. at π‘₯0 if and only if for any net {π‘₯𝛼}βŠ‚π‘‹ with π‘₯𝛼→π‘₯0 and for any π‘¦π›Όβˆˆπ‘‡(π‘₯𝛼), there exist 𝑦0βˆˆπ‘‡(π‘₯0) and a subnet {𝑦𝛽} of {𝑦𝛼}, such that 𝑦𝛽→𝑦0.

3. Semicontinuity and Continuity of the Solution Map for (PKFI)

In this section, we obtain some new sufficient conditions for the semicontinuity and continuity of the solution maps to the (PKFI).

Firstly, we provide a new result of sufficient condition for the upper semicontinuity and closeness of the solution mapping to the (PKFI).

Theorem 3.1. For the problem (PKFI), suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:(i)𝐴(β‹…) is continuous with nonempty compact value on Ξ›;(ii)𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is l.s.c. on 𝐡×𝐡×Λ.Then, 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is u.s.c. and closed on Ξ›.

Proof. (i) Firstly, we prove 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is u.s.c. on Ξ›. Suppose to the contrary, there exists some πœ‡0βˆˆΞ› such that 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is not u.s.c. at πœ‡0. Then, there exist an open set 𝑉 satisfying 𝑉(𝐹,πœ‡0)βŠ‚π‘‰ and sequences πœ‡π‘›β†’πœ‡0 and π‘₯π‘›βˆˆπ‘‰(𝐹,πœ‡π‘›), such that π‘₯π‘›βˆ‰π‘‰,βˆ€π‘›.(3.1) Since π‘₯π‘›βˆˆπ΄(πœ‡π‘›) and 𝐴(β‹…) are u.s.c. at πœ‡0 with compact values by Proposition 2.3, there is an π‘₯0∈𝐴(πœ‡0) such that π‘₯𝑛→π‘₯0 (here, we can take a subsequence {π‘₯π‘›π‘˜} of {π‘₯𝑛} if necessary).
Now, we need to show that π‘₯0βˆˆπ‘‰(𝐹,πœ‡0). By contradiction, assume that π‘₯0βˆ‰π‘‰(𝐹,πœ‡0). Then, there exists 𝑦0∈𝐴(πœ‡0) such that 𝐹π‘₯0,𝑦0,πœ‡0ξ€Έβˆ©(βˆ’int𝐢)β‰ βˆ…,(3.2) that is, βˆƒπ‘§0ξ€·π‘₯∈𝐹0,𝑦0,πœ‡0ξ€Έ,s.t.𝑧0βˆˆβˆ’int𝐢.(3.3)
By the lower semicontinuity of 𝐴(β‹…) at πœ‡0, for 𝑦0∈𝐴(πœ‡0), there exists π‘¦π‘›βˆˆπ΄(πœ‡π‘›) such that 𝑦𝑛→𝑦0.
It follows from π‘₯π‘›βˆˆπ‘‰(𝐹,πœ‡π‘›) and π‘¦π‘›βˆˆπ΄(πœ‡π‘›) that 𝐹π‘₯𝑛,𝑦𝑛,πœ‡π‘›ξ€Έβˆ©(βˆ’int𝐢)=βˆ….(3.4)
Since 𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is l.s.c. at (π‘₯0,𝑦0,πœ†0), for 𝑧0∈𝐹(π‘₯0,𝑦0,πœ‡0), there exists π‘§π‘›βˆˆπΉ(π‘₯𝑛,𝑦𝑛,πœ‡π‘›) such that π‘§π‘›βŸΆπ‘§0.(3.5) From (3.3), (3.5), and the openness of int𝐢, there exists a positive integer 𝑁 sufficiently large such that for all 𝑛β‰₯𝑁, π‘§π‘›βˆˆβˆ’int𝐢,for𝑧𝑛π‘₯βˆˆπΉπ‘›,𝑦𝑛,πœ‡π‘›ξ€Έ,(3.6) which contradicts (3.4). So, we have π‘₯0ξ€·βˆˆπ‘‰πΉ,πœ‡0ξ€ΈβŠ‚π‘‰.(3.7) Since π‘₯𝑛→π‘₯0 (here we can take a subsequence {π‘₯π‘›π‘˜} of {π‘₯𝑛} if necessary), we can find (3.7) contradicts (3.1). Consequently, 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is u.s.c. on Ξ›.
(ii) In a similar way to the proof of (i), we can easily obtain the closeness of 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) on Ξ›. This completes the proof.

Remark 3.2. Theorem 3.1 generalizes and improves the corresponding results of Gong [10, Theorem 3.1] in the following four aspects:(i)the condition that 𝐴(β‹…) is convex values is removed;(ii)the vector-valued mapping 𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is extended to set-valued mapping, and the condition that 𝐢-monotone of mapping is removed;(iii)the assumption (iii) of Theorem  3.1 in [10] is removed;(iv)the condition that 𝐴(β‹…) is uniformly compact near πœ‡βˆˆΞ› is not required.Moreover, we also can see that the obtained result extends Theorem 2.1 of [15].

Now, we give an example to illustrate that Theorem 3.1 is applicable.

Example 3.3. Let 𝑋=𝑍=π‘Œ=ℝ, 𝐢=ℝ+, Ξ›=[0,21/2] be a subset of 𝑍. Let πΉβˆΆπ‘‹Γ—π‘‹Γ—Ξ›β‡‰π‘Œ be a set-valued mapping defined by 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)=[(𝑦+1)(πœ†2+1)(π‘₯βˆ’πœ†),10+πœ†2] and let π΄βˆΆΞ›β‡‰π‘‹ defined by 𝐴(πœ†)=[πœ†2,2].
It follows from direct computation that 𝐴[][]ξ€Ί(Ξ›)=0,2,𝑉(𝐹,πœ†)=πœ†,2,βˆ€πœ†βˆˆΞ›=0,21/2ξ€».(3.8) Then, we can verify that all assumptions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied. By Theorem 3.1, 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is u.s.c. and closed on Ξ›. Therefore, Theorem 3.1 is applicable.

When πΉβˆΆπ‘‹Γ—π‘‹Γ—π‘β†’π‘Œ is a vector-valued mapping, one can get the following corollary.

Corollary 3.4. For the problem (PKFI), suppose that πΉβˆΆπ‘‹Γ—π‘‹Γ—π‘β†’π‘Œ is a vector-valued mapping and the following conditions are satisfied:(i)𝐴(β‹…) is continuous with nonempty compact value on Ξ›;(ii)𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is continuous on 𝐡×𝐡×Λ.Then, 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is u.s.c. and closed on Ξ›.

Now, we give a sufficient condition for the lower semicontinuity of the solution maps to the (PKFI).

Theorem 3.5. Let π‘“βˆˆπΆβˆ—β§΅{0}. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:(i)𝐴(β‹…) is continuous with nonempty compact value on Ξ›;(ii)𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is u.s.c. with nonempty compact values on 𝐡×𝐡×Λ;(iii) for each πœ†βˆˆΞ›, π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†)⧡𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†), there exists π‘¦βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†), such that 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+𝐹(𝑦,π‘₯,πœ†)+𝐡(0,𝑑𝛾(π‘₯,𝑦))βŠ‚βˆ’πΆ,(3.9) where 𝛾>0 is a positive constant.

Then, 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,β‹…) is l.s.c. on Ξ›.

Proof. By the contrary, assume that there exists πœ†0βˆˆΞ›, such that 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,β‹…) is not l.s.c. at πœ†0. Then, there exist πœ†π›Ό with πœ†π›Όβ†’πœ†0 and π‘₯0βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†0), such that for any π‘₯π›Όβˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†π›Ό) with π‘₯𝛼↛π‘₯0.
Since π‘₯0∈𝐴(πœ†0) and 𝐴(β‹…) are l.s.c. at πœ†0, there exists Μ‚π‘₯π›Όβˆˆπ΄(πœ†π›Ό) such that Μ‚π‘₯𝛼→π‘₯0. We claim that Μ‚π‘₯π›Όβˆˆπ΄(πœ†)⧡𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†π›Ό). If not, for Μ‚π‘₯π›Όβˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†π›Ό), it follows from above-mentioned assumption that Μ‚π‘₯𝛼↛π‘₯0, which is a contradiction.
By (iii), there exists π‘¦π›Όβˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†π›Ό), such that 𝐹̂π‘₯𝛼,𝑦𝛼,πœ†π›Όξ€Έξ€·π‘¦+𝐹𝛼,Μ‚π‘₯𝛼,πœ†π›Όξ€Έξ€·+𝐡0,𝑑𝛾̂π‘₯𝛼,π‘¦π›Όξ€Έξ€ΈβŠ‚βˆ’πΆ.(3.10)
For π‘¦π›Όβˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†π›Ό)βŠ‚π΄(πœ†π›Ό), because 𝐴(β‹…) is u.s.c. at πœ†0 with compact values by Proposition 2.3, there exist 𝑦0∈𝐴(πœ†0) and a subsequence {π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜} of {𝑦𝛼} such that π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜β†’π‘¦0. In particular, for (3.10), we have 𝐹̂π‘₯π›Όπ‘˜,π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜,πœ†π›Όπ‘˜ξ€Έξ€·π‘¦+πΉπ›Όπ‘˜,Μ‚π‘₯π›Όπ‘˜,πœ†π›Όπ‘˜ξ€Έξ€·+𝐡0,𝑑𝛾̂π‘₯π›Όπ‘˜,π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜ξ€Έξ€ΈβŠ‚βˆ’πΆ.(3.11) Then, there exist Μ‚π‘§π›Όπ‘˜βˆˆπΉ(Μ‚π‘₯π›Όπ‘˜,π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜,πœ†π›Όπ‘˜) and Μƒπ‘§π›Όπ‘˜βˆˆπΉ(π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜,Μ‚π‘₯π›Όπ‘˜,πœ†π›Όπ‘˜) such that Μ‚π‘§π›Όπ‘˜+Μƒπ‘§π›Όπ‘˜ξ€·+𝐡0,𝑑𝛾̂π‘₯π›Όπ‘˜,π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜ξ€Έξ€ΈβŠ‚βˆ’πΆ.(3.12) Since 𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is u.s.c. with compact values on 𝐡×𝐡×Λ by Proposition 2.3, there exist ̂𝑧0∈𝐹(π‘₯0,𝑦0,πœ†0) and ̃𝑧0∈𝐹(𝑦0,π‘₯0,πœ†0) such that Μ‚π‘§π›Όπ‘˜β†’Μ‚π‘§0, Μƒπ‘§π›Όπ‘˜β†’Μƒπ‘§0. From Μ‚π‘₯π›Όπ‘˜β†’π‘₯0, π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜β†’π‘¦0, the continuity of 𝑑(β‹…,β‹…), and the closedness of 𝐢, we have ̂𝑧0+̃𝑧0ξ€·+𝐡0,𝑑𝛾π‘₯0,𝑦0ξ€Έξ€ΈβŠ‚βˆ’πΆ.(3.13) It follows from π‘₯0βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†0) and 𝑦0∈𝐴(πœ†0) that infπ‘§βˆˆπΉ(π‘₯0,𝑦0,πœ†0)𝑓(𝑧)β‰₯0. Particularly, we have 𝑓̂𝑧0ξ€Έβ‰₯0.(3.14) On the other hand, since π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†π›Όπ‘˜) and Μ‚π‘₯π›Όπ‘˜βˆˆπ΄(πœ†π›Όπ‘˜), we have infπ‘§βˆˆπΉ(π‘¦π›Όπ‘˜,Μ‚π‘₯π›Όπ‘˜,πœ†π›Όπ‘˜)𝑓(𝑧)β‰₯0. Also, we have 𝑓(Μƒπ‘§π›Όπ‘˜)β‰₯0. It follows from the continuity of 𝑓 that we have 𝑓̃𝑧0ξ€Έβ‰₯0.(3.15) By (3.14), (3.15), and the linearity of 𝑓, we get 𝑓̂𝑧0+̃𝑧0ξ€Έξ€·=𝑓̂𝑧0ξ€Έξ€·+𝑓̃𝑧0ξ€Έβ‰₯0.(3.16)
For the above π‘₯0 and 𝑦0, we consider two cases:
Case i. If π‘₯0≠𝑦0, by (3.13), we can obtain that ̂𝑧0+̃𝑧0βˆˆβˆ’int𝐢.(3.17) Then, it follows from π‘“βˆˆπΆβˆ—β§΅{0} that 𝑓̂𝑧0+̃𝑧0ξ€Έ<0,(3.18) which is a contradiction to (3.16).Case ii. If π‘₯0=𝑦0, since π‘¦π›Όβˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†π›Ό), 𝑦𝛼→𝑦0=π‘₯0, this contradicts that for any π‘₯π›Όβˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†π›Ό), π‘₯𝛼 do not converge to π‘₯0. Thus, 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,β‹…) is l.s.c. on Ξ›. The proof is completed.

Remark 3.6. Theorem 3.5 generalizes and improves the corresponding results of [14, Lemma 3.1] in the following three aspects:(i)the condition that 𝐴(β‹…) is convex values is removed;(ii)the vector-valued mapping 𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is extended to set-valued map;(iii)the constant 𝛾 can be any positive constant (𝛾>0) in Theorem 3.5, while it should be strictly restricted to 𝛾=1 in Lemma 3.1 of [14]. Moreover, we also can see that the obtained result extends the ones of Gong and Yao [11, Theorem 2.1], where a strong assumption that 𝐢-strict/strong monotonicity of the mappings is required.

The following example illustrates that the assumption (iii) of Theorem 3.5 is essential.

Example 3.7. Let 𝑋=π‘Œ=ℝ,𝐢=ℝ+. Let Ξ›=[3,5] be a subset of 𝑍. For each πœ†βˆˆΞ›,π‘₯,π‘¦βˆˆπ‘‹, let 𝐴(πœ†)=[πœ†βˆ’3,2] and πΉβˆΆπ‘‹Γ—π‘‹Γ—Ξ›β‡‰π‘Œβ§΅{βˆ…} be a set-valued mapping defined by 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)=39βˆ’πœ†2ξ€Έβˆšβˆ’πœ†πœ†+63π‘₯(π‘₯βˆ’π‘¦),68+(2πœ†βˆ’1)2+πœ†3ξƒ­.(3.19) Obviously, assumptions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 3.5 are satisfied, and 𝐴(πœ†)=[0,2],forallπœ†βˆˆΞ›. For any given πœ†βˆˆΞ›, let 𝑓(𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†))=𝑧/3,forallπ‘§βˆˆπΉ(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†). Then, it follows from a direct computation that 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,3)={0,2},𝑉𝑓](𝐹,πœ†)=2,βˆ€πœ†βˆˆ(3,5.(3.20)
However, 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†) is even not l.c.s. at πœ†=3. The reason is that the assumption (iii) is violated. Indeed, if π‘₯=0βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†), for πœ†=3 and for all 𝛾>0, there exist 𝑦=1/2∈𝐴(πœ†)⧡𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†)=(0,2), such that 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+𝐹(𝑦,π‘₯,πœ†)+𝐡(0,𝑑𝛾=(π‘₯,𝑦))39βˆ’πœ†2ξ€Έβˆšβˆ’πœ†πœ†+63π‘₯(π‘₯βˆ’π‘¦),68+(2πœ†βˆ’1)2+πœ†3ξƒ­+39βˆ’πœ†2ξ€Έβˆšβˆ’πœ†πœ†+63𝑦(π‘¦βˆ’π‘₯),68+(2πœ†βˆ’1)2+πœ†3ξƒ­+𝐡(0,𝑑𝛾=(π‘₯,𝑦))39βˆ’πœ†2ξ€Έβˆšβˆ’πœ†πœ†+63(π‘₯βˆ’π‘¦)2,136+2(2πœ†βˆ’1)2+2πœ†3ξƒ­+𝐡(0,𝑑𝛾=ξ‚Έ(π‘₯,𝑦))274βˆ’|||10βˆ’2|||𝛾|||1,188+0βˆ’2|||π›Ύξ‚ΉΜΈβŠ†βˆ’πΆ;(3.21) if π‘₯=2βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†), for πœ†=3 and for all 𝛾>0, there exist 𝑦=1/2∈𝐴(πœ†)⧡𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†), using a similar method, we have 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+𝐹(𝑦,π‘₯,πœ†)+𝐡(0,𝑑𝛾̸(π‘₯,𝑦))βŠ†βˆ’πΆ. Therefore, (iii) is violated.
Now, we show that 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,β‹…) is not l.s.c. at πœ†=3. Indeed, there exists 0βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,3) and there exists a neighborhood (βˆ’2/9,2/9) of 0, for any neighborhood 𝑁(3) of 3, there exists Μƒ3<πœ†<5 such that Μƒπœ†βˆˆπ‘(3) and π‘‰π‘“ξ€·Μƒπœ†ξ€Έξ‚€βˆ’2𝐹,=2βˆ‰9,29.(3.22) Thus, π‘‰π‘“ξ€·Μƒπœ†ξ€Έβˆ©ξ‚€βˆ’2𝐹,9,29=βˆ….(3.23) By Definition 2.2 (or page 108 in [18]), we know that 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,β‹…) is not l.c.s. at πœ†=3. So, the assumption (iii) of Theorem 3.5 is essential.

By virtue of Theorem  1.1 in [15] (or Lemma  2.1 in [16]), we can get the following proposition.

Proposition 3.8. Suppose that for each πœ†βˆˆΞ› and π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†), 𝐹(π‘₯,𝐴(πœ†),πœ†)+𝐢 is a convex set, then ξšπ‘‰(𝐹,πœ†)=π‘“βˆˆπΆβˆ—β§΅{0}𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†).(3.24)

Theorem 3.9. For the problem (PKFI), suppose that the following conditions are satisfied:(i)𝐴(β‹…) is continuous with nonempty compact convex value on Ξ›;(ii)𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is continuous with nonempty compact values on 𝐡×𝐡×Λ;(iii)for each πœ†βˆˆΞ›, π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†)⧡𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†), there exists π‘¦βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†), such that 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+𝐹(𝑦,π‘₯,πœ†)+𝐡(0,𝑑𝛾(π‘₯,𝑦))βŠ‚βˆ’πΆ,(3.25) where 𝛾>0 is a positive constant.(iv)for each πœ†βˆˆΞ› and for each π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†), 𝐹(π‘₯,β‹…,πœ†) is 𝐢-like-convex on 𝐴(πœ†).

Then, 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is closed and continuous (i.e., both l.s.c. and u.s.c.) on Ξ›.

Proof. From Theorem 3.1, it is easy to see that 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is u.s.c. and closed on Ξ›. Now, we will only prove that 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is l.s.c. on Ξ›. For each πœ†βˆˆΞ› and for each π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†), since 𝐹(π‘₯,β‹…,πœ†) is 𝐢-like-convex on 𝐴(πœ†), 𝐹(π‘₯,𝐴(πœ†),πœ†)+𝐢 is convex. Thus, by virtue of Proposition 3.8, for each πœ†βˆˆΞ›, it holds ξšπ‘‰(𝐹,πœ†)=π‘“βˆˆπΆβˆ—β§΅{0}𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†).(3.26) By Theorem 3.5, for each π‘“βˆˆπΆβˆ—β§΅{0}, 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,β‹…) is l.s.c. on Ξ›. Therefore, in view of Theorem 2 in [20, page 114], we have 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is l.s.c. on Ξ›. This completes the proof.

Remark 3.10. Theorem 3.9 generalizes and improves the work in [15, Theorems  3.4-3.5]. Our approach on the (semi)continuity of the solution mapping 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is totally different from the ones by Chen and Gong [15]. In [15], the 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†) is strictly to be a singleton, while it may be a set-valued one in our paper. In addition, the assumption that 𝐢-strictly monotonicity of the mapping 𝐹 is not required and the 𝐢-convexity of 𝐹 is generalized to the 𝐢-like-convexity.

When the mapping 𝐹 is vector-valued, we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 3.11. For the problem (PKFI), suppose that πΉβˆΆπ‘‹Γ—π‘‹Γ—π‘β†’π‘Œ is a vector-valued mapping and the following conditions are satisfied:(i)𝐴(β‹…) is continuous with nonempty compact convex value on Ξ›;(ii)𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is continuous on 𝐡×𝐡×Λ;(iii)for each πœ†βˆˆΞ›, π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†)⧡𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†), there exists π‘¦βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†), such that 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+𝐹(𝑦,π‘₯,πœ†)+𝐡(0,𝑑𝛾(π‘₯,𝑦))βŠ‚βˆ’πΆ,(3.27) where 𝛾>0 is a positive constant.(iv)for each πœ†βˆˆΞ› and for each π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†), 𝐹(π‘₯,β‹…,πœ†) is 𝐢-like-convex on 𝐴(πœ†).Then, 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is closed and continuous (i.e., both l.s.c. and u.s.c.) on Ξ›.

Remark 3.12. Corollary 3.11 generalizes and improves [10, Theorem 4.2] and [13, Theorem 4.2], respectively, because the assumption that 𝐢-strict monotonicity of the mapping 𝐹 is not required.
Next,we give the following example to illustrate the case.

Example 3.13. Let 𝑋=𝑍=ℝ,π‘Œ=ℝ2,𝐢=ℝ2+, Ξ›=[βˆ’1,1] be a subset of 𝑍. Let πΉβˆΆπ‘‹Γ—π‘‹Γ—Ξ›β†’π‘Œ be a mapping defined by ξ‚€βˆ’3𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)=2βˆ’πœ†2,ξ€·πœ†2ξ€Έπ‘₯+1(3.28) and define π΄βˆΆΞ›β†’2π‘Œ by 𝐴(πœ†)=[βˆ’1,1].
Obviously, 𝐴(β‹…) is a continuous set-valued mapping from Ξ› to 𝑅 with nonempty compact convex values, and conditions (ii) and (iv) of Corollary 3.11 are satisfied.
Let 𝑓=(0,2)βˆˆπΆβˆ—β§΅{0}, it follows from a direct computation that 𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†)=[0,1] for any πœ†βˆˆΞ›. Hence, for any π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†)⧡𝑉𝑓(𝐹,πœ†), there exists 𝑦=0βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,πœ†), such that, 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+𝐹(𝑦,π‘₯,πœ†)+𝐡(0,𝑑𝛾=ξ‚€βˆ’3(π‘₯,𝑦))2βˆ’πœ†2,ξ€·πœ†2ξ€Έπ‘₯+ξ‚€βˆ’3+12βˆ’πœ†2,ξ€·πœ†2𝑦+1+𝐡(0,𝑑𝛾(=ξ€·π‘₯,𝑦))βˆ’3βˆ’2πœ†2,ξ€·πœ†2ξ€Έπ‘₯ξ€Έξ€·||||+1+𝐡0,π‘₯βˆ’0π›Ύξ€Έβˆˆβˆ’πΆ.(3.29) Thus, the condition (iii) of Corollary 3.11 is also satisfied. By Corollary 3.11, 𝑉(𝐹,β‹…) is closed and continuous (i.e., both l.s.c. and u.s.c.) on Ξ›.
However, the condition that 𝐹 is a 𝐢-strictly monotone mapping is violated. Indeed, for any πœ†βˆˆΞ›=[βˆ’1,1] and π‘₯∈𝐴(πœ†)⧡𝑉𝑓(𝐹,β‹…), there exist 𝑦=βˆ’π‘₯βˆˆπ‘‰π‘“(𝐹,β‹…) with 𝑦=βˆ’π‘₯, such that 𝐹(π‘₯,𝑦,πœ†)+𝐹(𝑦,π‘₯,πœ†)=βˆ’3βˆ’2πœ†2ξ€Έ,0βˆ‰βˆ’int𝐢,(3.30) which implies that 𝐹(β‹…,β‹…,β‹…) is not ℝ2+-strictly monotone on 𝐴(Ξ›)×𝐴(Ξ›)Γ—Ξ›. Then, Theorem  4.2 in [10] and Theorem  4.2 in [13] are not applicable, and the corresponding results in references (e.g., [11, Lemma 2.2, Theorem 2.1]) are also not applicable.


The authors would like to express their deep gratitude to the anonymous referees and the associate editor for their valuable comments and suggestions, which helped to improve the paper. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10831009, 11001287), the Natural Science Foundation Project of Chongqing (CSTC2011BA0030, CSTC2011AC6104, CSTC2010BB9254), and the Education Committee Project Research Foundation of Chongqing nos. (KJ100711, KJ120401).