Research Article

Personal Identification Based on Vectorcardiogram Derived from Limb Leads Electrocardiogram

Table 1

Rank for each set of 21 features extracted from dVCGs based on a standard 12-lead and limb-lead ECG, respectively.

Rank12-Lead SystemLimb-Lead System
𝑤 ( 𝑓 ) Feature 𝑤 ( 𝑓 ) Feature

 10.26028 𝑇 a n g l e 0.29471 VCGpeak
 20.25459 𝑇 m a x a n g 0.22822 QRSarea
 30.24278 QRSmaxdist0.22220 QRSTdiffarea
 40.17459 QRSmaxang0.20969 QRSmindist
 50.16736 QRSmindist0.20752 𝑇 p e a k
 60.16552 QRSarea0.18580 𝑇 m a x a n g
 70.16499 Q R S T d i a r e a 0.18002 𝑇 a n g l e
 80.16268 VCGpeak0.17490 QRSmaxdist
 90.14688 QRSpeak0.16626 𝑇 m a x d i s t
 100.14518 VCGelevation0.14507 QRSTratiopeak
 110.11549 QRSlwratio0.12638 QRSTdiffang
 120.11397 QRSTdiffang0.11331 QRSlwratio
 130.10033 𝑇 a r e a 0.10956 QRSmaxang
 140.09135 𝑇 m a x d i s t 0.10570 QRSpeak
 150.08369 VCGazimuth0.07650 VCGazimuth
 160.07818 𝑇 p e a k 0.07066 QRSangle
 170.06905 𝑇 m i n d i s t 0.06596 VCGelevation
 180.05022 QRSangle0.05100 𝑇 l w r a t i o
 190.03320 QRSTratiopeak0.03715 𝑇 a r e a
 200.02709 𝑇 l w r a t i o 0.02179 𝑇 m i n d i s t
 210.00263 QRSTratioarea0.00091 QRSTratioarea