Research Article

Three New Stochastic Local Search Metaheuristics for the Annual Crop Planning Problem Based on a New Irrigation Scheme

Algorithm 5

Generate an initial random solution
Evaluate the fitness of
Set the fitness of and the fitness of
 Initiate starting temperature and final temperature
while do
 (6.1) for to do
  (6.1.1) = Generate_Solution ( )
  (6.1.2) Evaluate 
  (6.1.3) if better than then
    ( true
  (6.1.4) else
    ( Calculate acceptance probability
    ( if random then
       ( = true
    ( end if
  (6.1.5) end else
  (6.1.6) if then
    ( = false
    ( =
    ( =
    ( if better than then
       ( =
    ( end if
  (6.1.7) end if
 (6.2) end for
 (6.3) Update according to cooling schedule
end while