
A generalized metric in space of set of fuzzy sets is introduced. We prove some common fixed point for contractive iterate at the point and orbitally contractive at the point fuzzy mappings and subfixed point results for family of mappings satisfying generalized contractive conditions in generalized metric fuzzy spaces.

1. Introduction

Uncertainty regarding some experiments may essentially have two origins. It may arise from randomness due to the natural variability of observation or it may be caused by imprecisions due to partial information, for example, expert opinions or sparse data sets. An incomplete data set delivers an imprecise assessment of the information which should be expressed by a -fuzzy set instead of a number. In other words, the system is complemented with extra dimension of uncertainty provided by fuzzy set theory. Fuzzy logic is the principal component of an array of methodologies for dealing with problems in which uncertainty and imprecision play important roles.

Fixed point theory in uncertain systems can be treated in different ways and one of them is by using the fuzzy logic. Depending on which segment of the problem is plagued with some sort of uncertainty the appropriate structure of the basic space in which the problem is considered could be used. If the distance between elements is imprecise, then the fuzziness is included in metric, as it was done in the definition of fuzzy metric spaces by Kaleva and Seikkala [1]. This model has a lot of similarities with probabilistic metric spaces (Menger spaces). Fixed point techniques, methods, and results are closely related in these two structures. Some of fixed point results in fuzzy metric space could be found in [27].

If affiliations of elements are imprecise, then the system could be treated as a fuzzy system. Appropriate structure is introduced depending on the related problem. The treatment of the problem involving fixed point theory has to be placed in spaces with adequate topological structure.

We denote by the set of compact subsets of and by the set of fuzzy sets with compact -levels defined over , where has some metric structure. Mustafa and Sims [8] introduced the definition of a generalized metric space, briefly, -metric spaces. In [9] the -metric is introduced in and, in [10], the similar construction is made to establish the -metric in the set . In both cases the structure of the basic -metric space [35] is used to define the Hausdorff -metric by the metric derived from -metric . In our paper the basic space is the metric space (instead of -metric space) and, using the same idea as in [9, 10], the Hausdorff -metric is introduced, but metric of the original metric space is used instead of the derived metric. In spite of the fact that the relation of the basic and the derived spaces is simpler than in [10] the structure of generalized metric space is not reduced. Further, we analyse the existence and uniqueness of a common fixed point for the family of self-mappings in the set of fuzzy sets endowed with generalized metric . The different type of generalized contractive condition is considered using a nondecreasing, right continuous function . Putting different additional conditions on , we can follow how influences the other conditions, related technique of proving, and the final fixed point result.

For more fixed point results for mappings defined in -metric spaces of fuzzy sets, we refer the reader to [1012].

2. Preliminaries

Definition 1 (see [8]). Let be a nonempty set, and let be a function satisfying the following properties:) if ;(), for all , with ;(), for all , with ;(), (symmetry in all three variables);(), for all . Then function is called a generalized metric, abbreviated -metric, on and the pair is called a -metric space. If for all , then is symmetric.

Clearly, these properties are satisfied when is the perimeter of the triangle with vertices at , , and ; moreover taking in the interior of the triangle shows that () is the best possible.

Example 2 (see [8]). Let be an ordinary metric space; then defines -metrics on by

The following useful properties of a -metric are readily derived from the axioms.

Proposition 3 (see [8]). Let be a -metric space; then for any , and from it follows that(1)if  , then  ,(2),(3),(4),(5),(6).

Definition 4 (see [8]). Let be a -metric space; and let be a sequence of points of . A point is said to be the limit of the sequence if , and one says that the sequence is -convergent to .

Proposition 5 (see [8]). Let be a -metric space, then for a sequence and a point the following are equivalent: (1)  is  -convergent to  ,(2)  as  ,(3)  as  .

Definition 6 (see [8]). Let be a -metric space; a sequence is called -Cauchy if, for every , there is such that , for all , that is, if as .

Proposition 7 (see [8]). In a -metric space , the following are equivalent: (1)the sequence    is  -Cauchy,(2)for every  , there exists an    such that  , for all  .

A -metric space is -complete (or complete -metric) if every -Cauchy sequence in is -convergent in .

Proposition 8 (see [8]). Every -metric space defines a metric space by Note that if is a symmetric -metric space, then

However, if is nonsymmetric, then by -metric properties and in general these inequalities cannot be improved.

Proposition 9 (see [8]). Let be a -metric space; then the function is jointly continuous in all three of its variables.

In [13] it was shown that if is a -metric space, putting , is a quasi-metric space (generally, is not symmetric). It is well known that any quasi-metric induces different metrics and mostly used are(),().

The following result is an immediate consequence of the above definitions and relations.

Theorem 10. Let be a -metric space and let . Then (1) is -convergent to if and only if is convergent to in ;(2) is -Cauchy if and only if is Cauchy in ;(3) is -complete if and only if is complete.

Recently, Samet et al. [14] and Jleli and Samet [13] observed that some fixed point theorems in context of -metric space can be proved (by simple transformation) using related existing results in the setting of (quasi) metric space. Namely, if the contraction condition of the fixed point theorem on -metric space can be reduced to two variables, then one can construct an equivalent fixed point theorem in setting of usual metric space. This idea is not completely new, but it was not successfully used before; see [15]. Karapinar and Agarval in [16] continued to develop Jleli-Samet technique in -metric space, but, on the other side, they proved fixed point theorems on the context of -metric space for which Jleli-Samet technique is not applicable. So, in some cases, as it is noticed even in Jleli and Samet paper [13], when the contraction condition is of nonlinear type, this strategy cannot be always successfully used. This is exactly the case in our paper where in fixed point results the use of Jleli-Samet technique does not give satisfactory results. If, for instance, the function in (17) is not independent of the variable , then , , the exponent factor in contraction conditions in our theorems, is not the constant function (as it is the case in our paper), implying that conditions which the contractor in related metric space must satisfy become significantly more restrictive if the Jleli-Samet technique is used. But, using directly -metric , the proofs of theorems in our paper are given. The conclusion is that results from our paper cannot be deduced from the usual one in metric or quasi-metric space and cannot be derived from the results of Samet et al. [14] and Jleli and Samet [13].

For some fixed point results in -metric spaces we refer to [1722].

3. Fuzzy Generalized Metric Space

Let be a metric space and let be the set of all nonempty compact subsets of . For all and all , let and . The Hausdorff metric on is defined by . By we denote the set of all fuzzy sets with compact -levels , , where and bounded support . In the set the metric is introduced by . If , then for all and .

The function is defined by where

Lemma 11. For all , .

Proof. Since from (5) and (6), we obtain The next two inequalities, imply the relation , what we had to prove.

Proposition 12. If is a complete metric space, then is a complete -metric fuzzy space.

Proof. Properties (), (), and () from Definition 1 are obvious, so the proof is omitted.
() Since for all and all , we have By the same way we show that which implies that .
() To prove that , we consider the related inequality for : Analogously, and . All three inequalities together imply that .
The completeness of is a consequence of the completeness of and inequality from the previous lemma.

Proposition 13. -metric fuzzy space is not symmetric.

Proof. We prove that . If

4. Fixed Point for Contractive Iterate at the Point and Orbitally Contractive at the Point Fuzzy Mappings

A generalization of the contraction principle can be obtained using different type of a nondecreasing right continuous function . The most usual additional properties imposed on are given using a combination of the next seven conditions:,, for all ,, for all , is a sequence such that ; then .for any there exists a , ,, , for all .

Some of the noted properties of are equivalent, some of them imply other, and some of them are incompatible. The next lemma discusses some of the relations between properties , especially those which are used in this paper to define a generalized contraction.

Lemma 14. Let be a nondecreasing right continuous function. Then (i), (ii), where ,(iii) and ,(iv) and .

Proof. (i) It is enough to prove that .
. We assume that for some , . Since is nonincreasing sequence, by the right continuity of , ; that is, which contradicts .
. If for some , , then, knowing that is nondecreasing, . It means that , which contradicts .
. Let be any sequence such that . Then and .
. If does not hold, that is, there exists a , , then putting , for all , we have the sequence with , but that sequence does not converge to 0.
(ii) is obvious, so the proof is omitted.
(iii) Function satisfies , and but not .
(iv) Function satisfies but not nor .

Theorem 15. Let be a complete metric space, let be related -metric fuzzy space, and let . Further, let be the sequence of self-mappings of such that, for all , and for each there exists an such that for all and all , where satisfies . If there exists such that for all , then is a unique common fixed point for in and, for every , the sequence , , converges to .

Proof. First we prove that is a unique point in with the property that , . If , , , , then By the property , , since , we have the contradiction; that is, the assumption is not correct.
Further, since it follows that for all .
Now, for some , we form the sequence .
If , then and the sequence converges to .
If , in order to prove that the sequence converges to , we consider the sequence , : If we choose the option that it implies that On the other hand, in that case that is It is obvious that (22) contradicts (24). So, Now, applying that procedure times and letting , we get Since , and . The last relation proves that the sequence converges to .

Theorem 16. Let be a complete metric space, , where is related -metric fuzzy space, and let be a subadditive mapping satisfying . If for some the orbit is complete and for each there exists an such that for all , then the sequence , , converges to some .
If inequality (27) holds for all , then and for all . If , then is the fixed point of .

Proof. First, we show that is a Cauchy sequence. For sufficiently large , there exist , such that . Using (27), we get Putting , for all , the next inequality holds: and, consequently, for all . Using the last inequality, for every , , we have implying that is a Cauchy sequence. Since is a complete -metric fuzzy space, there exists an such that .
In the second part of the theorem, inequality (27) holds for all . Then, the elements of the sequence from the previous part of the proof satisfy the next two relations: By (32) and by (33) Hence, .
To show that is a unique fixed point of in , we assume that there exists another point with the same property. Then That is . Further, if , then , implying that .

5. Subfixed Point for Generalized Contraction Family of Fuzzy Mappings

We say that is a subfixed point of the mapping if and only if .

The proof of the next two propositions is the same as in [10]; only, instead of the derived metric , the metric from original metric space is used.

Proposition 17. If and , then there exists a such that .

Proposition 18. If and , then (i),(ii),(iii).

In the next two theorems we consider the existence of a fuzzy set which represents a common subfixed point for the family of self-mappings , that is, the point such that for all .

Let be a complete metric space, and let be related -metric fuzzy space. Further, let for all and all , , where .

If is any element from and a is chosen such that , then, by Proposition 17, there exists a , such that By the same principle as for the first three members, the sequence is formed such that

Lemma 19. If in (37) satisfies together with or or , the sequence defined in (39) is a Cauchy sequence.

Proof. By (37), for any , we have Considering relation (41) for different values , , we get for all , . Knowing that and using (42) with , we obtain Putting and applying the property in (44), there exists a such that Taking in (42) again, using the last relation, we get Continuing this process, we obtain where , . Now, letting and using the properties of , finally we show that is a Cauchy sequence; that is Using Lemma 14(ii), property can be replaced by or .

Lemma 20. If in (37) satisfies together with or or , the sequence defined in (39) is a Cauchy sequence.

Proof. Using properties of satisfying together with , we prove by contradiction that The assumption that (49) is not the case leads to On the other hand, by and (44) we obtain which is a contradiction implying that (49) is true. Now we define a decreasing sequence by and, using (41), Letting , finally we prove that So, is a Cauchy sequence. Using Lemma 14(ii), property can be replaced by or .

Theorem 21. If all assumptions from Lemma 19 or from Lemma 20 are satisfied, then there exists a such that for all .

Proof. In Lemma 19 or Lemma 20 it was proved that is a Cauchy sequence and, by the completeness of , . To prove that , we proceed as follows:
Hence, , for all , what we had to prove.

Let be nondecreasing continuous from the right function with respect to each of the five variables such that for all . Obviously, for all , Further, let be a complete metric space, let be related -metric fuzzy space, and the family of self-mapings satisfy the next inequality: for all and all .

Using the same arguments as in (39), the sequence is formed: with property

Lemma 22. The sequence defined in (59) is a Cauchy sequence.

Proof. In order to prove that is a Cauchy sequence, we consider the sequence . Using relations (58) and (60) and the implication , we get Since , the next relation holds: The assumption , which is equivalent to , leads to inequality which is a contradiction. In the last transformation we used nondecreasingness of and the property , . Hence, . With notation , we have
If , then . Since , from inequality (64) we get . Further, , which means that and the proof is completed.
If , we prove that whenever : and, since , . Also, . So, we have proved that is a Cauchy sequence and, consequently, there exists a such that ; that is, .

Theorem 23. If all assumptions from the previous lemma are satisfied, then there exists a such that for all .

Proof. If for all , then . So, assume that, for some , . Then If we put , since , for every there exists an , where (i) for all ,(ii) for all ,(iii), for all ,(iv) for all . Now, relation (66) becomes and, letting , we get , where . Hence, , for all , what we had to prove.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.


This work was partially supported by Ministarstvo Nauke i Životne Sredine Republike Srbije.