Research Article

An Algorithm for Discretization of Real Value Attributes Based on Interval Similarity

Algorithm 2

Step1: Compute inconsistency rate of information system;
Step2: Sort data in ascending order for each attribute and calculate the similar
    value SIM of each adjacent intervals according to (5) and (6);
Step3: Merge
While (merge-able cut point)
 Search cut point that has the maximal similar value, then merging it;
 If (many maximum values)
  Merge adjacent two intervals with the smallest number of classes;
  If ( increases)
   Withdraw merging;
   Exit procedure;
  Else {break; goto Step2;}
 If (some several maximum values and the same class number of classes
    among groups of adjacent intervals)
   Merge the adjacent two intervals with the smallest number of samples
   of adjacent intervals;
   If ( increases)
   withdraw merging;
   exit procedure;
       Else {break; goto step2;}