Research Article

Minimum-Cost QoS-Constrained Deployment and Routing Policies for Wireless Relay Networks

Table 1

Notations of given parameters.

Given parameters

The set of transmission direction, where , = {1 (downlink), 2 (uplink)}
The set of BSs, where
The set of RS candidate locations, where
The set of RS configurations, where
The set of MCs, where
The data rate required to be transmitted of MC in direction in (packets/sec)
The fix cost of building an RS on location
The configured cost of building RS , which is a function of configuration
An arbitrarily large number

The set of paths from BS to RS , where
The indicator function which is 1 if link is on path and 0 otherwise

SNR and attenuation
The distance of link
Attenuation factor
Transmit power of RS in direction , which is a function of configuration
Thermal noise strength function in dBm/Hz, where represents receiving node type.
Transmit power of BS
Transmit power of MC
Signal strength received by node in dBm, which is a function of , and
The minimum SNR requirement for a MC to receive from a RS in DL
The minimum SNR requirement for a RS to receive from a MC in UL
The maximum SNR can be received by node in link , where
The maximum SNR can be received by node in link , where in DL; and in UL

The BER requirement for the transmission received by a destination in direction where the destination in DL is MC and in UL is BS
The BER value of each node , which is a function of the receiving SNR, where

The nodal capacity of BS in (packets/sec)
The nodal capacity of RS in (packets/sec), which is a function of configuration
The capacity of link in (packets/sec), which is a function of the receiving SNR of node , where

The maximum spatial diversity of a MC in direction