Research Article

Application of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm to Portfolio Adjustment Problem with Transaction Costs

Algorithm 1

Standard ABC algorithm.
(1) Initialize the population of solutions , ,
(2) Evaluate the population
(3) cycle = 1
(4) Repeat
(5) Produce new solutions for the employed bees by using (24) and evaluate them
(6) Apply the greedy selection process for the employed bees
(7) Calculate the probability values for the solutions by (25)
(8) Produce the new solutions for the onlookers from the solutions selected depending on and evaluate them
(9) Apply the greedy selection process for the onlooker bees
(10) Determine the abandoned solution for the scout, if exists, and replace it with a new
  randomly produced solution by (26)
(11)  Memorize the best solution achieved so far
(12) cycle = cycle + 1
(13) Until cycle = MCN