Research Article

Service Outsourcing Character Oriented Privacy Conflict Detection Method in Cloud Computing

Algorithm 1

(1) Input: The description document of Service OWL-S
(2) Output: The service composition satisfied the privacy preferences policy
(3) Init Queue   ;
(4) Init Queue   ;
(5) Init Queue   ;
(6) EnQueue (Queue ( ), );
(7) while    (Queue ( ) != ϕ )  do
(8)  GetHead    (Queue   ( ), )
(9)   ;   //calculating the Trust Degree of service
(10)       Xpath       //obtaining the privacy items of service
(11)     EnQueue    (Queue   ( ), );
(12)     while    (Queue   ( ) != ϕ) do
(13)        GetHead    (Queue    ( ), );
(14)       ; //detecting privacy conflict between privacy preference and privacy items
(15)       if ( = true) do
(16)           EnQueue    (Queue   ( ), );
(17)       else
(18)           rebindingservice; //choosing a new service
(19)       end if
(20)     end while
(21) end while