Research Article

Unified Mathematical Framework for Slicing and Symmetry Reduction over Event Structures

Algorithm 4

Symmetry reduction: .
Input: a prime event structure ;
Output: the reduced model of the event structure: ;
(1) ;
/*  Step  One: partition via operator, we will get all maximal conflict-free sub-structure of an event structure */
(2)  ;
(3)  ;
/*  Step  Two: automorphism checking for sub-structure */
(4) for ( ++) {
(5)    for ( ++) {
/*  Step  Two-1: get action set of each maximal conflict-free sub-structure from   */
/*   : checking two sets are are identical or not*/
/*   : the element amount of the set   */
/*  Step  Two-2: checking their action sets are identical or not */
(8)  if (( )
    ) {
(9)  break; }
/*  Step  Two-3: checking their causal relations are identical or not */
(10)  if (( )
    ) {
(11)  break; }
/*  Step  Two-4: checking their conflict relations are identical or not */
(12)  if (( )
    ) {
(13)  break; }
/*  Step  Three: automorphism exists, remove the duplicated one and merge for reduction */
(14)   ;
(15)   ;
(16)  } /* end for   */
(17)  } /* end for   */
(18) return ;