Research Article

Modelling Laser Milling of Microcavities for the Manufacturing of DES with Ensembles

Table 5

Output variables.

Variable Units Range Relationship

Measured volume 130–1701 Independent
Measured depth μm 25–230.60 Independent
Measured diameter μm 118.50–208.80 Independent
Measured length μm 0–70.20 Independent
Measured MRR 12–121
Volume error −980–596
Depth error −180.60–56.90
Width error −62.80–−16.63
Length error −25.50–208.80
MRR error −61–66
Volume relative error Dimensionless −1.36–0.82
Depth relative error Dimensionless −3.61–0.63
Width relative error Dimensionless −0.55–0.10
Length relative error Dimensionless −0.71–0.15