Research Article

Formal Analysis of Fairness for Optimistic Multiparty Contract Signing Protocol

Table 2

System variables.

, if has successfully sent the level promise to
sends recovery requirement message to TTP, is the max level of message has sent to , is the max level of message has sent to , and m is the max level of message has sent to , and so on
quits the protocol
has sent recovery or abort requirement messages to TTP
has successfully received the signed contract
sends abort requirement message to TTP
TTP has responded to the requirement of
TTP sends recovery message to
TTP sends abort message to
has not sent abort message and TTP will force him/her to abort in certain situation
has sent abort message
The highest level has sent to higher signer before it contacts TTP
The lowest level has sent to lower signer before it contacts TTP
The highest level has received from ā€‰
The highest level has received from all signers ,