Research Article

Investigation Methodology of a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure for IoT

Table 7

Method of finding assignment information in the database of the connection or authentication management system.


(1) Connect to DB by using MS SQL Server Management Studio
(2) [DDC PC name]-[Databases]-[CitrixXenDesktopDB]-[Tables]-[chb_Stat e.AccountNames]: user name and Uid
(3) [DDC PC name]-[Databases]-[CitrixXenDesktopDB]-[Tables]-[chb_Stat e.WorkerDiags]: VM assigned user (Uid)

VMwareView Manger (ADAM DB)
(1) Connect to ADAM DB by using Active Directory Explorer
(2) [DC=vdi,DC=vmware,DC=int]-[OU=Servers]: specific VM CN (Common Name) value and other information
 (a) Description: VM name
 (b) Member: user CN
(3) [DC=vdi,DC=vmware,DC=int]-[CN=ForeignSecurityPrinciple]: user CN value and other information
 (a) Description: user and domain name

MicrosoftActive Directory (ADAM DB)
(1) Connect to ADAM DB by using Active Directory Explorer
(2) [DC=domain name]-[OU=Hyper-V]: user name and other information
 (a) msTSPrimaryDesktop: assigned VM name