Research Article

The Order Classes of 2-Generator -Groups

Algorithm 1

Theorem 7 in GAP’s algorithm.
p:=;;n:=;;order:=p    n;; # Input the values of p and n, where the order of G is p    n
for k in [1..D] do;
   if NilpotencyClassOfGroup(f)=2 and m=2 then;
   Print(k,") G=",StructureDescription(f), " |G|=",Size(f)," p=",p,"n=",n," N.class
   if i+j=n then;
   m1:=1; m2:=p    n/p    w-1;Add(WW,[p,m1*p    2-1]);
   if w>=2 then;
   Add(WW,[p    2,m2*p    2]);
   m1:=p;m2:=p    (n-w)-p;Add(WW,[p,m1*p    2-1]);
   if w>=2 then;
   Add(WW,[p    2,m2*p    2]);
   Yw:=p    (n-1)*(p-1);;
   for 1 in [0..(w-3)] do;
   Add(WW,[p    (w-l),Yw/(p    1)]);
Print("n no. of gen.=",m,", o(a)=",p    i,", o(b)=",p    j,", w=",w,"n OC=",WW,"nn");