Research Article

A Mathematical Model of Malaria Transmission with Structured Vector Population and Seasonality

Table 1

Values for constant parameters for the malaria model.

Parameter Description Value Reference Dimension

Constant recruitment rate for humans400 Estimated Humans/month
Human death rateEstimated /month
Transmission rate of humans from to [17] /month
Disease-induced death rate for humans [11] /month
Recovery rate of humans [11] /month
Per capita rate of loss of immunity for humans [11] /month
Transfer rate from to adult [6] /month
Death rate for adult vectors [11] /month
Transmission rate of mosquitoes from to [11] /month
Probability of transmission of infection from to [17] Dimensionless
Probability of transmission of infection from to [17] Dimensionless
Probability of transmission of infection from to [17] Dimensionless
Available breeder sites occupied by eggs Estimated Space
Available breeder sites occupied by larvae Estimated Space
Transfer rate from to [6] /month
Eggs laying rate [6] /month
Death rate of eggs [6] /month
Larvae death rate [6] /month