Research Article

Key -Gram Extractions and Analyses of Different Registers Based on Attention Network

Table 5

Novel keyword list (part).


NPE“许三观” (Xu Sanguan), “李光头” (Li Guangtou), “福贵” (Fugui), “余占鳌” (Yu Zhan’ao)
RN“上官” (Shangguan), “司令” (Commander), “铁匠” (Blacksmith), “军官” (Officer)
PA“大哥” (Brother), “母亲” (Mother), “奶奶” (Grandma), “表哥” (Cousin)
GN“老人们” (Old people), “姑娘” (Girl), “男人” (Men), “小孩” (Children)
TN“木筏” (Rafts), “酒” (Wine), “乌云” (Dark clouds), “石桥” (Stone bridge), “小船” (Boat)
BN“鼻子” (Nose), “手指头” (Finger), “脚” (Feet), “尾巴” (Tail), “眉” (Brow), “眼窝” (Eye socket)
AFPP“瞎子” (Blind man), “哑巴” (Mute), “瘸子” (Crippled)
EN“整容” (Cosmetic surgery), “打猎” ( Hunting), “自杀” (Suicide), “接生” (Deliver)
NT“后半夜” (After Midnight), “晌午” (Midday), “傍晚” (Nightfall), “明早” (Tomorrow Morning)
ON“砰砰砰” (Bam bam bam), “咕咕” (Coo), “吱吱” (Squeak), “咔咔” (Crack)
PN“哪儿” (Where), “咱们” (We), “大家” (We all), “他们” (They)
AD“为什么” (Why), “何况” (Moreover), “怎么” (How), “可是” (But)
VA“通红” (Very red), “丰满” (Fullness), “零零碎碎” (Odds and ends), “活泼” (Lively)
VV“笑” (Laugh), “哭” (Cry), “跑” (Run), “走” (Walk), “跳” (Jump), “唱” (Sing)
NR“东北” (Northeast), “墨水河” (The Moshui River), “刘吹手” (Liu blow hand)
JJ“巨大” (Enormous), “黑暗” (Darkness), “自由” (Freedom), “嘶哑” (Hoarse)
CD“一半” (Half), “大量” (Lots of), “几” (Some), “十几” ( About dozen)
SP“呢” (Ne), “吧” (Ba), “啦” (La), “嘛” (Ma), “呀” (Ya), “了” (Le), “的” (De)