Research Article

Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Transmission Dynamics and Control of Schistosomiasis

Table 1

A table showing the description of the model parameters and parameter values.


Recruitment rate of humans254 Estimate
Recruitment rate of snails3000 [27]
Rate of transmission of humans from susceptible to exposed0.09753 [28]
Rate of transmission of snails from susceptible to exposed0.615 [7, 29]
Preventive factor due to WASH0-1Estimate
Natural death rate of humans0.00004379 Estimate
Natural death rate of snails0.000569 [7]
Natural death rate of miracidia0.9 [7]
Natural death rate of cercariae0.004 [7]
Death rate of humans due to infection0.000274-0.000913 Estimate
Death rate of snails due to infection0.0004012 [7]
Rate of transmission of humans from exposure to infection0.0238-0.0286 Estimate
Rate of transmission of snails from exposure to infection0.0286-0.0357 Estimate
Transmission rate of humans from infection to treatment0.03 [29]
Rate individuals produce miracidia6.96 [9]
Rate snails produce cercariae2.6 [7]
Treatment efficacy0.8Assumed
Miracidia saturation constant[7]
Cercariae saturation constant[7]
Limitation of the growth velocity0.2[7]