Research Article

Modeling the Effect of Vaccination and Treatment on the Transmission Dynamics of Hepatitis B Virus and HIV/AIDS Coinfection

Table 1

Parameters and their description of the model.


Natural death rate
Recruitment rate of population into immunized class
HIV/AIDS-induced mortality
HBV-induced mortality
HBV-HIV/AIDS-induced mortality
Treatment rate for HBV-infected class
Treatment rate for proportion of HIV/AIDS-infected individuals
Treatment rate for HBV-HIV/AIDS-coinfected class
Force of infection associated with HBV infection
Force of infection associated with HIV/AIDS infection
Recovery rate of individuals from HBV infection naturally in the class
Recovery rate of individuals from HBV infection naturally from class
Proportion of immunized population
The proportion of HIV/AIDS-infected individuals progressing to treatment class
The progress rate of HB-treated individuals to suppressed viral load class
The progress rate of HIV/AIDS-treated individuals to suppressed viral load class
The progress rate of HBV-HIV/AIDS-treated individuals to suppressed viral load class
The effective contact rate for HBV transmission
The effective contact rate for HIV transmission
The vaccine efficacy wanes rate