Research Article

Determination of β-Cyano-L-alanine, γ-Glutamyl-β-cyano-L-alanine, and Common Free Amino Acids in Vicia sativa (Fabaceae) Seeds by Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

Table 2

Precision, calibration parameters, and sensitivity of the determination of GCA and BCA by HPLC.

CompoundRepeatability (%)CalibrationLOQd (µM)LODe (µM)
IntradayaInterdaybRegression equationLinear rangec (µM)


RSD of peak area based on 8 runs of a solution of the standard over 1 day.
bRSD of peak area based on 8 runs of a solution of the standard on independent days.
cConcentration range between the limit of quantification and the upper linear limit.
dLimit of quantification: signal/noise ratio = 10.
eLimit of detection: signal/noise ratio = 3.
= concentration (µM).
= peak area analyte/peak area internal standard.