Research Article

Simultaneous Determination and Pharmacokinetic Comparisons of Multi-Ingredients after Oral Administration of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae Extract, Hawthorn Extract, and a Combination of Both Extracts to Rats

Table 2

Intra- and interday precision and accuracy for QC samples ( ).

AanlyteAdded ( g/mL)InterdayIntraday
Found ( g/mL)RSD (%)Accuracy (%)Found ( g/mL)RSD (%)Accuracy (%)

DSS8.10 5.18 97.5 5.75 99.9
1.62 4.43100.1 5.90 99.0
0.324 6.44101.2 7.73100.4

HP7.50 4.25102.0 2.02104.2
1.50 5.05101.2 5.45100.5
0.300 6.16102.4 4.52104.9

RA7.55 3.78101.5 1.26102.7
1.51 4.44 98.8 4.76100.3
0.302 5.62101.6 6.57 99.2

LA17.6 3.64101.1 3.91100.7
3.52 4.10101.8 3.41101.7
0.879 4.58 98.4 3.80100.7

SAB18.7 4.19 98.9 3.79101.0
3.74 3.81 97.3 4.32 97.5
0.935 4.92 99.7 7.40 99.2