Research Article

Quantitative and Qualitative Characterization of Gentiana rigescens Franch (Gentianaceae) on Different Parts and Cultivations Years by HPLC and FTIR Spectroscopy

Table 2

The variation of total iridoid glycosides according to different parts and cultivation ages.

G. rigescensRootStemLeafFlower

1 year old55.71 ± 8.9924.67 ± 6.5730.61 ± 8.6862.55 ± 5.87
2 years old67.52 ± 16.9023.93 ± 12.7421.36 ± 10.2256.43 ± 8.00
3 years old63.74 ± 8.5328.92 ± 6.4033.66 ± 13.8062.34 ± 10.74

(Notes. Different superscript letters within the same row or column indicate significant differences at according to Duncan test.)