Research Article

The Application of FT-IR Spectroscopy for Quality Control of Flours Obtained from Polish Producers

Table 2

Chemical composition of the analyzed flours.

FlourProtein [%]Moisture [%]Falling number [s]Ash [%]Crude fat [%]Calorific value [J/g]

Wheat, type 550
Wheat, type 650
Wheat, type 2000
Wheat, type 2000 eco
Spelt, type 1100
Spelt, type 2000
Spelt bran
Rye, type 720
Rye, type 1400
Rye, type 2000
Triticale, type 700
Triticale, type 2000

Data expressed as means ± standard deviation (). The different lower case letters (a–k) in the same column indicate significantly different values (); 11 homogenous groups are indicated with lower case letters a to k; the presence of the given letter after result includes this result into given group; for example, third column first raw, third raw, and forth raw represent homogenous group.
Honestly Significant Difference (HSD): protein, 0.34, moisture, 0.59, falling number, 8.41, ash, 0.06, lipid, 0.16, and calorific value, 543,99.