Research Article

Rapid Screening and Quantitative Determination of Active Components in Qing-Hua-Yu-Re-Formula Using UHPLC-Q-TOF/MS and HPLC-UV

Table 2

Linear regression data, LODs, and LOQs of six compounds.

ComponentsRegression equationsR2Linear range (μg/mL)LODs (μg/mL)LOQs (μg/mL)

Danshensuy = 5508.1x + 5.4040.99992.6–5000.72.6
Paeonifloriny = 419.45x − 6.72190.999420.8–25,0005.020.8
Acteosidey = 3283.3x − 11.0720.99975.2–10001.05.2
Lithospermic acidy = 12900x − 123.540.999110.4–10000.610.4
Salvianolic acid By = 1616.6x − 9.48540.99935.2–10,0002.05.2
Salvianolic acid Cy = 19071x + 88.121.000010.4–10000.810.4

y = Ax + B; y is the peak area; x is the concentration of the analytes; R2 is the correlation coefficient of the equation.