Research Article

Development and Validation of a New Method for Determination of Pb and Cr in Marine Organisms by Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF) Spectroscopy

Table 1

Figures of merit for the simultaneous determination of Pb and Cr by the TXRF method.

Analytical parametersPbCr

Detection limit (μg·L−1) (n = 10)1.5730.709
Quantification limit (μg·L−1) (n = 10)5.2422.363
Regression coefficient r2 (n = 10)0.9980.999
Repeatability (RSD %) (n = 10, 5 μg·L−1)5.14
Reproducibility (RSD %) (n = 5, 5 μg·L−1)3.61.8
Linear working range (μg·L−1)5.242–1002.363–100
Sample volume (μL)1010
Sample frequency (h−1)2020