Research Article

Voltammetric Determination of Amoxicillin Using a Reduced Graphite Oxide Nanosheet Electrode

Table 1

Comparison of the data obtained using electrochemical methods for the determination of amoxicillin.

ElectrodeMethodRange (μM)LOD (μM)Ref.

AuNP-PdNP-ErGOSWV30 – 3509[30]
CPECA0.195 – 14.60.088[57]
PGA/3D-GE/GCESWV2 – 600.118[58]
PGA/GLU/GCESWV2.0 – 25.00.92[59]
Unmodified EPPG electrodeSWV5 – 5000.84[27]
AuNPs/en-MWCNTs/SPEAdSV0.2 – 200.015[29]
RGOnSSWV0.5 – 800.193Present work

SWV : square-wave voltammetry, DPV : differential pulse voltammetry, CV : cyclic voltammetry,CA : chronoamperometric,AdSV : adsorptive stripping voltammetry, CPE: carbon paste electrode, GCE: glassy carbon electrode, PGA: polyglutamic acid, GLU: glutaraldehyde, EPPG: edge plane pyrolytic graphite, NP: nanoparticles, SPE : screen printed electrode.