Research Article

Discrimination of Fresh Tobacco Leaves with Different Maturity Levels by Near-Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy and Deep Learning

Table 4

Parameter settings of the convolutional neural networks for upper, middle, and lower leaves data sets.

LayersModel parametersOutput shape

Input layerNIRS data of 454 × 1 dimension
Conv1D (C1)128 convolutional kernels of the size 13 × 1, the Relu function and BN mechanism, stride = 1450 × 128
MaxPooling1D (S2)Maxpooling, pooling size = 2 × 1, stride = 1225 × 128
Conv1D (C3)64 convolutional kernels of the size 13 × 1, the Relu function and BN mechanism, stride = 1221 × 64
MaxPooling1D (S4)Maxpooling, pooling size = 1 × 1, stride = 1221 × 64
Flatten (F5)Flatten the feature vector of the S4 layer into 1 vector14144 × 1
Dense (F6)100 output neurons fully connected to all neurons in layer F5, the Relu function100 × 1
Dense (F7)5 output neurons consistent with the number of maturity levels5 × 1
Output layerThe softmax function