Research Article

Relationship between Serum and Brain Carotenoids, -Tocopherol, and Retinol Concentrations and Cognitive Performance in the Oldest Old from the Georgia Centenarian Study

Table 3

Partial correlation coefficients between cognition indices and serum carotenoids, -tocopherol, and retinol in octogenarians and centenarians from the Georgia Centenarian Study (adjusted w/age, sex, education years, BMI, smoking, alcohol, hypertension, and diabetes, ).

Mini-Mental State Exam Global Deterioration Rating ScaleFOME1 delayed recallFOME
delayed recognition
Controlled Oral Word Association TestWAIS-III Similarities Subtest2Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale Total Score

Lutein, (trans + cis)0.114−0.350a0.177b0.0090.1140.148c0.244a0.180b
Zeaxanthin, (trans + cis)0.128c−0.236a0.134c0.0690.146c0.169b0.184b0.196b
Cryptoxanthin0.026−0.0960.0540.0020.0350.031 0.129c0.045
-Carotene, (trans + cis)0.072−0.244a0.173b0.0820.168b0.186b0.144c0.227a
Lycopene, (trans + cis)−0.014−0.142c−0.017−0.0330.0140.0170.1080.044

1FOME: Fuld Object Memory Evaluation; 2WAIS-III Similarities Subtest: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III Similarities Subtest.
Significantly related ( ): a0.001; b0.01, c0.05.