Research Article

Leisure Engagement: Medical Conditions, Mobility Difficulties, and Activity Limitations—A Later Life Perspective

Table 3

The effects of medical conditions, mobility difficulties, and activity limitations on the leisure engagement of older adults. Results from bivariate and multivariate OLS analyses.

Independent variables Model 1Model 2Model 3

Health-related risk factors
 Medical conditions (index) −0.134***−0.052***−0.036*
 Mobility difficulties (index)−0.273***−0.115***−0.079***
 Activity limitations (index)−0.504***−0.196***−0.168***
Sociodemographic variables
 Age (cont.)−0.104***
 Language: Swedish (ref. Finnish and others)0.068***
 Gender: female (ref. male)0.056***
 Civil status: partnership (ref. single)0.052***
 Income: high (ref. low)0.062***
 Education: high (ref. low education)0.083***
 Country: Sweden (ref. Finland)−0.015

Adjusted square0.0710.101

Note: the first model shows nonstandardised Beta coefficients from bivariate regressions of each health indicator of leisure engagement, whereas models 2 and 3 show standardised Beta coefficients from multivariate regressions. The variables, medical conditions, mobility difficulties, and activity limitations, are indexes. Age is a continuous variable and the other variables are “dummy” variables. *P < 0.95 and ***P < 0.999.