Research Article

Participant Perspectives of Cognitive Rehabilitation for Type 2 Diabetes: Expectations and Impact

Table 5

Recommended cognitive rehabilitation intervention features.

ThemesIntervention features

Expectations of cognitive change(i) Include education on diabetes self-management, cognitive dysfunction, and expected/realistic benefits of cognitive rehabilitation.
(ii) Use a group format to increase sharing of information related to strategies that may or may not work.
(iii) Teach participants to ask questions of their health-care providers regarding cognitive function and diabetes.

Use of cognitive strategies(i) Relate cognitive strategies to everyday activities and/or diabetes self-management tasks.
(ii) Consider one-on-one training or more frequent contact with a health-care provider familiar with cognitive rehabilitation to facilitate use of online games.
(iii) Incorporate motivational interviewing techniques to increase adherence and decrease anxiety.

Effect on diabetes self-management(i) Include feedback from a class facilitator to enhance motivation to complete homework items.
(ii) Include participants in goal setting using real-world situations as examples.
(iii) Emphasize the potential benefits of cognitive rehabilitation on both diabetes and cognitive function.
(iv) Explore alternatives such as providing class instruction via an online meeting format to reduce travel/time burden.