Research Article

Cognitive Strategies and Physical Activity in Older Adults: A Discriminant Analysis

Table 1

Cognitive strategy questionnaires used in the study.

External memory strategies

I keep a list or otherwise note important dates, such as birthdays and anniversaries
I write shopping list to help me remember
I write appointments on a calendar to help me remember them
I routinely keep things (keys or glasses) in a familiar spot, so I will not forget them when I need to locate them
I post reminders of things I need to do in a prominent place, such as on bulletin boards or note boards
When I want to take something with me, I leave it in an obvious, prominent place, such as putting my suitcase in front of the door

Internal memory strategies

When I am looking for something I have recently misplaced, I try to retrace my steps in order to locate it
When I want to remember something, I concentrate hard on it
When I try to remember a telephone number, I mentally repeat it to myself
I think about the day’s activities at the beginning of the day, so I can remember what I am supposed to do
I make mental images or pictures to help me remember an event or an individual
I try to relate something I want to remember to something else hoping that this will increase the likelihood of my remembering later
When I have trouble remembering something, I try to remember something similar in order to help me remember


When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I challenge the thought’s validity
When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I analyze the thought rationally
When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I try to reinterpret the thought
When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I try a different way of thinking about it
When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I question the reasons for having the thought


When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I call to mind positive images instead
When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I occupy myself with work instead
When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I think pleasant thoughts instead
When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I do something that I enjoy
When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I think about something else
When I experience an unpleasant/unwanted thought, I keep myself busy

Attentional control

When concentrating on something and there are noises around me, I ask for silence
When I read, I look for a calm area where I will not be distracted by people around me
When I am working hard on something and I am distracted by events around me, I try to isolate myself
When trying to focus my attention on something and thoughts distracting me, I chase them out of my mind
When concentrating on something and hunger or thirst distracts me, I satisfy my need so that it does not worry me anymore
When concentrating on something, I turn off TV or radio