Research Article

Circulating miR-34a and Bone Mineral Density of Brazilian Very-Old Adults

Table 2

Correlational and linear regression analyses of circulating levels of miRNAs with common clinical, anthropometric, and metabolic features of the very-old subjects investigated.

TraitsLog-transformed levels of microRNAs

Age−0.02; 0.922−0.22; 0.1660.07; 0.663−0.16; 0.311−0.13; 0.4120.05; 0.7520.06; 0.698−0.01; 0.937−0.20; 0.208−0.01; 0.944
Sex§0.29; 0.059−0.21; 0.6310.16; 0.6030.06; 0.9450.11; 0.7630.26; 0.4080.28; 0.642−0.21; 0.6310.06; 0.926−0.57; 0.260
Body fat0.14; 0.3850.18; 0.256−0.07; 0.6870.15; 0.3630.16; 0.309−0.15; 0.3660.21; 0.1850.04; 0.8300.19; 0.2440.23; 0.147
T2DM§0.43; 0.262−0.41; 0.326−0.56; 0.0700.54; 0.5560.03; 0.935−0.20; 0.503−0.29; 0.6230.96; 0.027−0.53; 0.4240.06; 0.907
Hypertension§0.16; 0.516−0.08; 0.771−0.01; 0.954−0.05; 0.9330.26; 0.278−0.17; 0.3850.08; 0.8400.06; 0.8300.63; 0.145−0.16; 0.600
Physical activity§0.13; 0.7150.12; 0.749−0.10; 0.727−0.74; 0.3820.41; 0.2230.08; 0.776−0.82; 0.1380.61; 0.1170.66; 0.2840.10; 0.819
Metabolic syndrome§−0.14; 0.642−0.17; 0.613−0.07; 0.7671.41; 0.069−0.04; 0.907−0.24; 0.3240.38; 0.434−0.04; 0.907−0.42; 0.439−0.20; 0.613
Log C-RP0.05; 0.770−0.06; 0.7100.30; 0.0570.09; 0.5810.11; 0.509−0.02; 0.9190.16; 0.3200.13; 0.432−0.06; 0.7110.09; 0.577
Serum creatinine−0.07; 0.659−0.04; 0.826−0.08; 0.642−0.04; 0.815−0.22; 0.181−0.01; 0.9920.05; 0.7710.02; 0.896−0.01; 0.940−0.02; 0.886
Creatinine clearance−0.01; 0.9830.01; 0.9780.00; 0.9980.02; 0.9020.16; 0.315−0.06; 0.734−0.13; 0.436−0.12; 0.4740.02; 0.919−0.05; 0.764

The Pearson correlation test (two continuous) or a Linear Regression Model§ (one continuous and one categorical) were used to test relationships between variables. Data are expressed as correlation index and significance level (r; ) or as beta coefficient and significance level (β; ) for correlational and regression analyses, respectively. T2DM = type 2 diabetes mellitus. C-RP = C-reactive protein. Log = logarithmically transformed.