Research Article

Functional Capacity and Inflammatory Mediators in Elderly Residents of Counties with Different Human Development Index

Table 1

Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of the older women divided by counties and value.

VariableHDI very high (0.810) (n = 53)HDI high (0.761) (n = 50)HDI high (0.716) (n = 51) value

Age, years, average (SD)73.2 (6.3)72.1 (5.5)72.9 (6.2)0.80
Education level, years, average (SD)6.0 (4.3)2.7 (3.0)2.7 (1.0)<0.01
Income, salary, average (SD)1.6 (1.2)2.0 (0.7)1.3 (0.5)<0.01
Diseases, number, average (SD)2.8 (2.0)4.0 (2.6)2.7 (1.5)<0.02
Medication, number, average (SD)3.3 (2.4)4.3 (3.5)2.9 (1.9)0.62
Intensity of pain, average (SD)6.6 (2.8)6.2 (2.3)6.3 (2.4)0.73
BMI, kg/m2, average (SD)27.0 (4.3)27.6 (5.9)26.7 (4.9)0.83

Marital status0.43
 Married (%)26.444.041.2
 Single (%)20.810.011.8
 Divorced (%)
 Widow (%)39.638.039.2

 White (%)39.664.039.2
 Black (%)
 Mixed (%)
 Oriental (%)1.92.0

Self-perception of health0.07
 Bad (%)
 More or less (%)35.854.060.8
 Good (%)54.744.033.3

Satisfaction with life<0.01
 Lithe (%)11.3
 More or less (%)24.522.035.3
 Much (%)

Presence of pain0.43
 No (%)35.836.025.5
 Yes (%)

 No (%)92.580.096.1
 Yes (%)7.520.03.9

 No (%)
 Yes (%)

BMI = body mass index; SD = standard deviation; statistical difference by the Kruskal–Wallis test.