Research Article

UVA Exposure Combined with Glycation of the Dermis Are Two Catalysts for Skin Aging and Promotes a Favorable Environment to the Appearance of Elastosis

Figure 2

AGEs and UVA irradiation promote an environment for extracellular matrix degradation and inflammation. mRNA MMP1 (a, b) and mRNA MMP3 (c, d) expression measured in dermal layers and interleukin 1 alpha (IL1α) detection in the medium (e, f) of reconstructed skin made with fibroblasts isolated from 4 donors separately (a, c, e) or in box plots considering all donors in the same condition group, percentage of control N0 is reported (b, d, f). mRNA levels were quantified from dermal fibroblasts using quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) 6 hours after UVA irradiation. Each point represents the mean value of normalized mRNA quantity (n = 3). Data are expressed in arbitrary units (UA). IL1α detection was quantified by the ELISA assay in the medium of reconstructed skin 48 hours after UVA irradiation (in pg IL1α per 200 µl of medium) (mean n = 3/donors) ± SEM). N0: native collagen without irradiation; N10: native collagen with irradiation (UVA 10 J/cm2); G0: glycated collagen without irradiation; and G10: glycated collagen with irradiation (UVA 10 J/cm2). Statistics: analysis of variance (ANOVA) adjusted post hoc Tukey–Kramer tests for pairwise comparisons (P < 0.05; ∗∗P < 0.001).