Research Article

Urban-Rural Dimension of Falls and Associated Risk Factors among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in West Java, Indonesia

Table 2

Risk of falling among older adults in urban and rural areas.

Risk factor for fallUrbanRural
VariablesCrude OR; 95% C. I.Adjusted OR; 95% CICrude OR; 95% CIAdjusted OR; 95% CI

Male1.525 (0.749–3.106)0.289 (0.095–0.882)1.349 (0.762–2.387)1.004 (0.545–1.849)
Female (ref)111

60–69 years0.821 (0.092–7.363)1.213 (0.116–12.645)0.858 (0.385–1.916)0.917 (0.385–2.184)
70–79 years1.415 (0.153–12.058)2.385 (0.223–25.450)0.644 (244–1,702)0.659 (0.241–1.806)
80 years old and above (ref)1111

Current occupation
Actively working0.835 (0.318–2.193)0.416 (0.131–1.322)0.950 (0.577–1.566)0.873 (0.497–1.533)
Not working (ref)1111

Visual impairment
No (ref)

Hearing impairment
No (ref)
Yes1.959 (0.802–4.787)1.538 (0.554–4.271)1.392(0.799–2.425)1.214 (0.674–2.187)

Chronic medical condition
No chronic illness (ref)11
With chronic illness2.657 (1.112–6.347)3.247 (1.236–8.533)1.652 (0.845–3.231)1.516 (0.761–3.019)

Physical performance
Poor2.329 (0.524–10.352)0.545 (0.166–1.788)0.765(0.202–2.897)0.98 (0.485–1.98)

The need of ADL support
Independent (ref)1111
Dependent.766(0.268–2.191)1.022 (0.468–2.231)1.012 (0.519–1.972)0.792 (0.458–1.369)

Living environment
Unsafe704 (0.335–1.480).51 (0.219–1.192)3.636 (1.276–0.357)3.358 (1.137–9.921)

Note.; OR = odd ratio; CI = confidence interval.